An Overview of Post Partum Hair Loss and How to Manage It



Post Partum Hair Loss

Did you know that hair loss after giving birth is common among new mothers? It may surprise you, but most women experience post partum hair loss.

Postpartum hair loss is a normal phenomenon experienced by many mothers worldwide. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t present a lot of anxiety, especially for new moms. Fortunately, this hair loss is temporary.

If you’re wondering what to do about losing hair postpartum, you’re in the right place. Keep reading for our complete postpartum hair loss overview.

What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, is a temporary condition after birth. During pregnancy, increased estrogen levels in the body can prolong the growth phase of hair, resulting in thicker and healthier hair.

After delivery, estrogen levels drop to normal levels, and the hair follicles shift to the shedding phase, causing hair to fall out.

When Does Postpartum Hair Loss Occur?

Postpartum hair loss typically starts around three months after delivery, although it can occur earlier or later. The shedding phase usually lasts about six months but can persist for up to a year in some cases.

Hair loss may occur evenly across the scalp or in patches, ranging from mild to severe.

How to Manage Postpartum Hair Loss

Although postpartum hair loss is a natural process that cannot be prevented, there are some ways to manage it effectively. Here are some tips.

Be Gentle With Your Hair

Avoid brushing your hair aggressively or tying it too tightly, as this can cause further damage to already fragile hair. Use a wide-tooth comb or a soft brush to detangle your hair, and avoid using hot styling tools such as curling irons or straighteners.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Take Supplements

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet together with supplements can help promote healthy hair growth. Incorporate foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, biotin, zinc, and vitamin C for healthy hair growth.

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Use Gentle Hair Care Products

Choose hair care products that are gentle and do not contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates or parabens. Look for products specifically formulated for postpartum hair loss, as they may contain ingredients promoting healthy hair growth.

Consider a Shorter Hairstyle

If you are experiencing severe hair loss, consider getting a shorter hairstyle that is easier to manage and does not require a lot of styling. A shorter hairstyle can also make hair look thicker and fuller.

Consider a Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure where donor hair follicles are transplanted from a healthy area onto areas of the scalp experiencing hair loss. Often, all that is necessary is a single outpatient session.

There are many benefits of hair transplant surgery. The results are immediate, and recovery is generally quick and painless.

Understanding Post Partum Hair Loss

Post partum hair loss is a common but temporary condition and should not cause concern. You can manage the symptoms with proper diet, lifestyle choices, medications, and treatments, eventually reducing hair loss.

If you’re concerned about postpartum hair loss, consult your healthcare provider for advice and personalized recommendations.

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