An Intimate Conversation with JeremiahJacksun



Jeremiah Jacksun is an American Rapper born and raised in Atlanta,
Georgia. He has an album out now titled “Thinking Out Loud” which has
been met with positive reviews from critics. The album tells the true story
of his life and all the struggle he’s been through on his journey to success.
He was named “Top Indie Artist of 2022” by Redx Magazine, as well as
being recognized as a Grammy-worthy artist by the Digital Journal. His
music is very authentic and exposes his personal story and experiences
with incredible vulnerability. I interviewed Jeremiah to learn more about his
work and how he’s become such a success.

Welcome to thehearup Jeremiah, we are delighted to have you. How
have things been for you?

Thank you for having me here. I’ve been doing well lately and I’m really
enjoying the positive shift in my life. I’m grateful for everything that’s happened
to me, and I try to exercise gratitude every day so that I can keep attracting
good things into my life.

Along with the release of your album, you also have a podcast that is
very uniquely put together. How did you come up with the concept for
the “Know Your Platform” podcast?

In a recent conversation with a close friend, I mentioned that I wanted to start
a podcast. We were discussing a variety of topics at the time, and he said
something that really resonated with me: “You have to know your platform.”
That phrase stuck with me, and eventually became the name of my podcast.
So thanks, Keon, for the inspiration.

The tone of this podcast appears to be one of deep concern regarding
your childhood experiences. Do you feel that you developed later than
your peers because you lacked parental guidance during your

I developed late compared to my peers, which I believe was due in part to the
circumstances my parents were facing at the time. They did their best given
the situation, but there were opportunities for me to learn certain things that
were missed. I think that’s a fair assessment.

Do you think it’s important to be vulnerable in your podcast in order to
build trust with your audience?

As an artist, you have the opportunity to shape your story and inspire your
audience. I believe that when someone chooses to follow your story, you owe
it to them to be the best version of yourself. Being vulnerable allows the
audience to connect with you on a human level, and anything less than that
would be a disservice to both them and you.

It can be difficult to share personal information with others, especially if
you’re worried about being misunderstood. Do you worry that your
intimate details will be misunderstood by some people?

It’s true that not everyone can be content. I understand that my words could
cause distress or discontent, yet that is not my aim. All I’m doing is revealing
my own tale and excursions. If somebody is determined to be affronted, they
will manage to do so no matter how hard I try. Nevertheless, I’m always ready
to take part in a discussion and listen to someone else’s point of view. We
never know when we will be facing difficult times and all we can do is have
faith in being shown mercy. Eventually, we all have to confront our own
weaknesses before criticizing anyone else.

What has been the response from your family and others since you
started publishing your podcast?

I’m grateful that podcasting has given me a platform to reconcile my
differences with my father and open up long-needed discussions with my
mother. I never would have had these conversations without the birth of my
podcast. As a result, me and my parents have a much better understanding of
each other and we’re in a much better place. Friends and others who have
heard the podcast have applauded my bravery for exposing myself in such a

You’ve been receiving a lot of positive attention from the media lately.
Would you say that you expected the positive press you’ve been getting,
or were you surprised by it?

I’m grateful for the attention my album and podcast have been getting, even
though it’s a bit delayed. I never anticipated such a buzz, but it just goes to
show you that you never know who’s watching you and what’s for you is for
you. This has taught me that you have to always stay ready because you
never know when your time to shine or be recognized will show itself. I’ve
always dreamed of these moments, but I’m grateful either way.

Is the album “Thinking Out Loud” an accurate representation of who you
are as a person?

Human beings are complex and interesting creatures. We all have unique
qualities, both good and bad. My album and podcast are just a small part of
who I am. There’s much more to me than what you see on the surface. Thank
you for taking the time to get to know me. I am excited to share my album and
podcast with you, and I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better as
we go on this journey together. I believe that each person is unique, and I am
no exception. There are many facets to my personality, and I look forward to
revealing more of myself to you as my career progresses.

What are your career aspirations, Jeremiah, and how will you be working
to achieve them?

It’s an interesting question because if you’d asked me when I first started
getting interested in music, I would have said that I wanted to be the best. But
nowadays, I just want to show myself that I can be successful at this and give
myself and my family something to be proud of. Thanks for asking!

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