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America the Beautiful



America the Beautiful For any of us who were hoping against hope that the COVID-19 pandemic had issued a metaphorical moratorium on the senseless and shameless predatory killings of black individuals and other people of color by our police (and otherwise socially-minded Caucasian individuals), stop the presses! The news is in. And it didn’t stop a thing.

From the killing of Breonna Taylor in her Kentucky home to the assassination of Ahmaud Arbery, recent weeks have signaled an uneasy escalation in the violence. This violence culminated in the much-filmed, various vantage point killing of another unarmed black man.

On Monday, May 25, 2020, former Minneapolis Minnesota Police Department Officer Derek Chauvin literally squeezed the life out of Minnesota resident George Floyd.

… even after…he was…unconscious, Chauvin knelt his ground

It was a scenario that is frighteningly reminiscent of scenes from several prominent movies. Spike Lee’s classic, Do the Right Thing, the Edward Norton/Edward Furlong vehicle American History X, and any number of 1970s “Snuff Films,” can’t even compare to the horror.

Chauvin and 3 of his colleagues full-weight knelt on the neck and back of Mr. Floyd. Presumably, this was done in an effort to subdue the accused. (At least, that’s what they’ll say.)

After more than six minutes, Mr. Floyd was non-responsive and had no pulse. And even after it was determined that he was most likely unconscious, Chauvin knelt his ground for an additional 2+ minutes.

How…do I heal when I’m not even…to acknowledge my pain…?

The shocking nature of the murder of Mr. Floyd has led to the latest wave of protests. It is a scene that has played itself out frequently in the past several years. But, for all the similarities that I can draw, the fact is this time it appears different.

…racism is an ideological construct that is a complicated mix

Much of the talk of healing is being replaced with real truths about the complexities of racism. (How exactly do I heal when I’m not even allowed to acknowledge my pain and what causes it?) Many people are actually cleansing their souls, expressing disgust at the fact that they’ve lived a privileged existence because of race.

People who normally don’t speak on such issues, AKA well-to-do, well known Caucasians, are coming out of their race-privileged closets. I feel that with each new confession, those who have lived the dream become a little more enlightened to the profound realities and complexities of the situation in which we find ourselves.

Often oversimplified in its destructive nature, western racism is an ideological construct that is a complicated mix. It’s equal parts false pride, denigrating lies and innuendo, historical omission, religious usury, and capitalistic tilt.

For the purposes of this article, we will dispense with the clinical and just get to the meat of it.

It’s being reprimanded for speaking your mind…about racism because that kind of talk is divisive.

Racism, overtly maligned, most often denied but, popularly underestimated, but always, always there. What is it?

Well, it’s not getting the job for which you know you are best qualified. The job eventually goes to someone (of the right race) who is underqualified.

It’s being dismissed and denigrated as a student by a Caucasian teacher who feels you don’t have the mental capacity to do the work anyway. It’s being reprimanded for speaking your mind and expressing your feelings about racism because that kind of talk is divisive.

It’s not being able to get a business loan for a venture that you know will be lucrative because your business is a start-up and not established.

It’s having…African Americans…in power… use and abuse your black body…to show that they deserve to be accepted into the Caucasian fray.

It’s worrying about your loved ones when they walk out of the door in the mornings because, well because we are all targets.

It’s being followed around in any store while being profiled like you’re a common criminal.

It’s having Caucasians, over and over, highjack dialogues about racism to prove that they are not racist or that they have suffered the same atrocities. (This is particularly vexing.)

It’s having black people/African Americans who are in power or authority use and abuse your black body, your black life, to show that they deserve to be accepted into the Caucasian fray. Stockholm Syndrome is alive and thriving in America. (For those who don’t get it, it’s about black people desperately needing to identify with the culture that kidnapped and obliterated black identity. Check out Samuel L. Jackson in Django Unchained. He gives a brilliant performance as the original “Tom”.)

It’s always automatically taking for granted that the Caucasian is smarter or has a more powerful position. It’s always, automatically looking to the Caucasian in the room for answers.

It’s people curtailing and manipulating their testimonials on racism to ensure that they don’t offend the sensitivities or hurt the feelings of the perpetrators of racism.

It’s always offering unnecessary disclaimers to let everyone know that all Caucasians are not racist.

It is beyond powerful.

As of this writing, charges against Derek Chauvin have been upgraded to 2nd-degree murder. His colleagues/partners in crime have also been charged. And Mr. Floyd’s death has been ruled a homicide.

Neither of these outcomes would have occurred a few years ago. There has been very minimal character assassination of Mr. Floyd. A few years ago, this too would be completely opposite.

The protestors have gone nowhere and numerous world leaders have spoken out about this atrocity. Again, this is light-years from the results of the no so distant past. It is different. Let’s hope we are not hoodwinked by these phenomena.

Because of this perfect storm of atrocious tragedy, pandemic cabin fever, pandemic induced furloughs, we are now it appears peeling back the multifaceted very complicated layers of racism. Racism is such an institutionalized villain that has victimized and vilified legions for hundreds of years.

Racism, the pandemic to rival all pandemics.

Rash Muhammad

The Literary Illuminati



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