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Abdullah Al-Antari – A Young magician amazing people with his crazy tricks-2022



The world is full of people as a walking piece of art. One of such people is musicians who succeed with entertaining their viewers and audiences with their exceptional performance and unmatchable material manipulating skills. Frankly speaking, a magician allows us to forget our daily life problems for a moment by taking us to another world by fascinating us with their magic tricks. To explore the thing in more detail and see it from a closer point of view, we had some amazing minutes of joy spent with the most inspiring IMS certifies young magician of 2022, namely Abdullah. So why not share with you the amazing conversation.

Hi Abdullah, how are you doing? You are already the talk of the town especially for magic lovers; would you like to tell people more about yourself and your journey towards magic?

“Hi, my name is Abdullah Al-Antari, 22. I live in Germany. I started learning about magic three years ago.

So what about your academic career Abdullah Al-Antari? Are you pursuing both things simultaneously?

“Yeah, I went to high school in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and now I am managing to carry out my further studies in Germany.”

What do you like to do in your free time, what more precisely are your hobbies Abdullah?

“Amm well, my hobbies are football and table tennis and that’s what love doing in my spare time. It feels great.”

Tell us about lovely family Abdullah Al-Antari-

“I have a kind of big family of 6 who I love love love love!!! They make my life even better with their insane support and love for me. Their affection encourages me to love my life do my love job and keep growing. They are my better half I must say.”

Abdullah Al-Antari your fans wonder a lot where did you learn magic from? And also you are an International Magicians Society certified. That’s great to know. How did you make it?

“Ahh, well I am a self-trained magician, I learned magic from books, I learned it From Expert card technique and I did it from some paid websites out there. I love what I do. I love my job. Your dedication and commitment earn you a lot more than just fame and appreciation, people would eventually recognize you for your love job.”

Abdullah Al-Antari, you have carved yourself into a real piece of art that is truly fascinating to so many people around you. How do you feel while performing tricks and amazing youngsters? Also, we wonder if you teach any tricks-

“Yeah it is always time-demanding to reach your goals and it takes a lot of patience to get there. I feel great while doing tricks. Magic is much more for me. It is close to my heart. I love when people get amazed by my tricks. I love when people spread the word and more appreciation comes out. I love it even more doing more and more tricks and showing them amazing content over time. And yeah, I don’t teach tricks but I do love doing them.”

It was lovely knowing you from even closer Abdullah, what message would you like to give to young people and how can your fans and new viewers reach out to you on social media?

“My fans can stay in touch on Instagram with me where I post a lot of my fresh videos. And yes the message I would like to give to young people is that they should develop the skills they have to enjoy an exciting and interesting life.


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