A Quick Guide to Septic Tank Maintenance



Septic Tank Maintenance

Projections show that the global septic tank market will reach a size of $8 billion by 2031.

A septic tank is an important part of the wastewater management process. Owning one can be beneficial, but it’s important to keep it in good working order.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the key elements of septic tank maintenance and the Cost-Effective Septic Tank Pumping Solutions. Keep reading for more.

Pump the Septic Tank Regularly

Regularly pumping your septic system is crucial to keep it working. You should do this once every 2-5 years depending on how big it is, how many people live in the home, and the type of waste that goes through the system.

For example, a garbage disposal that gets quite a lot of use will result in more solid waste going through the septic system. This will mean you need to have it pumped more often.

Check for Leaks

This isn’t likely in a new septic tank, but over time they can degrade. You should check regularly to make sure the system has no leaks. If you notice certain areas of grass in your yard that are more vibrant or dense, this can be a sign of a septic tank leak.

If you find any leaks, you’ll want to hire professionals to carry out repairs. A septic tank services company can also take care of things like installation and routine maintenance. You can discover more here.

Limit Water Usage and Household Waste

Certain septic problems can arise if too much waste goes through it. There are several things you can do to reduce the amount of liquid waste, such as:

  • Diverting roof water away from the leach field
  • Space out the usage of washing machines/dishwashers
  • Install water-saving appliances
  • Fix leaks as soon as they’re discovered

Solid waste like uneaten foods and fats can often be recycled or put into a compost pile rather than in the garbage disposal. Note that pouring chemicals down the sink can also be a problem. They can harm the bacteria that a septic system uses to break down waste.

Install an Effluent Filter

An effluent filter can help extend the life of the leach field and reduce the risk of clogs. You can have one installed when your septic system is being pumped. It creates a barrier that stops solids from getting into the leach field dispersal system.

An effluent filter should be cleaned once roughly every 3-5 years. As such, it can be a good idea to do this whenever pumping your system to help keep costs down.

Professional Septic Tank Maintenance

Regular septic tank maintenance will keep it efficient and fully functional. Responsible use will help prevent any problems from coming up. If you do have any issues, you should hire professionals to carry out a septic inspection so that you can get things back to normal as soon as possible.

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