
A Guide to the Best AV Solutions for Classrooms



Classroom learning is changing and evolving with technology, making AV solutions more crucial than ever. With students preferring to learn through videos, it’s natural to enhance classroom technology for the best learning environment. The challenge is finding the audio and video solutions to aid your students.

You’ll find several types of AV setups to consider when upgrading your classrooms. Choosing between projectors, television carts, and video boards is difficult when working with a budget. Knowing your options can point you in the ideal direction for your school.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place to learn about the best AV solutions for your students. Continue reading to improve your classroom technology today!

1. Interactive Whiteboards

The whiteboard is a classroom staple for lectures and learning. What it lacks is the ability to provide captivating learning materials to students. An interactive whiteboard can change the game and provide a better learning experience.

Students can interact with the content on the board. This hands-on learning approach can help some students retain information. It’s also a way to present videos and audio to students in the classroom.

Teachers can harness technology to write, draw, and work with digital content. It’s a fantastic way to boost student engagement in the classroom.

2. Document Cameras

Document cameras are the newest AV solutions for classrooms. They work like projectors, displaying a document at the front of the class for students to see.

Teachers can also display pages from textbooks and 3D objects to provide a better learning environment for students. It’s an excellent way to improve student understanding during lessons and lectures.

3. Television Carts

Television carts are a classic option when exploring AV solutions for your school’s classrooms. The carts are movable, allowing classrooms to access them when needed for a lesson (or movie day).

Television carts are the way to go if you seek a cost-effective way to improve classroom technology. Research your options to find the best av cart to enhance student engagement during lessons.

4. Wireless Presenters

Wireless presenters have changed the game for lecture lessons. Gone are the days when teachers needed to stand at the front of the class.

The presenters allow teachers to roam the classroom during lessons. They can maintain control over the presentation while engaging with students. It’s beneficial to invest in charging devices to power the wireless presenters.

The best options include a laser pointer and slideshow controls. Look for an option with a range that allows your teachers to roam and monitor the classroom.

It’s an excellent teaching resource that allows teachers to engage with students. Find a presenter with user-friendly controls to help teachers become familiar with these types of AV setups.

Invest in AV Solutions for Your Classroom

Technology is advancing, and your teachers can use it to enhance the learning experience for your students. Exploring AV solutions allows for engaging lessons and lectures.

Interactive whiteboards allow for hands-on learning. Television carts are a cost-effective presentation tool. Teachers can also use document cameras to share documents, textbooks, and objects during lessons.

Learning to leverage technology will help students remain engaged in the classroom. Read our Tech content to discover the resources and tools to power your devices and improve student performance today!


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