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A few insights into the no-fault divorce process for you



In a no-fault divorce, one party to the marriage initiates the divorce without citing any specific events or circumstances that could justify their reasons for separation. A no-fault divorce often happens due to irreconcilable differences between spouses, making it impossible for them to work out their differences. Sometimes no one even thinks about the other party’s faults due to their inability to reduce their grievances with each other. 

It can lead to troubling tensions that have nothing to do with either side and stem from a fundamental incompatibility between both leaders/spouses in a relationship. In such cases, couples do what they have to do to resolve the matter forever. 

Before taking action, let’s figure out the requirements one must fulfill in these cases. Because it is still a legal process and involves some nuances, consulting experienced lawyers, such as Glendale divorce attorneys at Jensen Family Law, can be recommendable. These guys can help you navigate this journey without additional stress or tension.

  • Settlement agreement

One hearing can be enough if you and your spouse reach an amicable settlement over matters like child custody, visitation, debts, and asset distribution. The judge will approve the mutual decision of the parties through full payment. In this type of uncontested no-fault divorce, it is doubtful that either party will have to give testimony or appear in court to state their opinions or positions verbally. Due to this, it becomes a quick and painless process. It can also feel much less costly with this method.

  • Conflict of interest

A spouse may not want a divorce, but the other partner can still proceed with the process. You can look into your state’s court website to fill out your form for a no-fault divorce. If the respondent avoids the court or doesn’t answer any of your papers (filing for divorce with formal grounds), the judge can still pass their judgment in your favor.

  • Waiting period

A no-fault divorce may or may not demand to live separately from your spouse for specific days. For example, Arizona residents seeking help for dissolving their marriage don’t have to follow this to file for a divorce. But the process may take two months or more to finalize everything.

  • Things to consider about no-fault divorce
  • As hinted, one of the pros of this method is that it eliminates the need for one spouse to prove fault to get a divorce. It can be helpful in cases where the divorce details are abusive and both parties want to move on with their lives. Another pro is that it can help speed up the process since there is no need for a lengthy trial. But one biggest con is that it can leave both spouses feeling like they have no control over the outcome of the divorce. It cannot be accessible if there are children involved. 

Arizona is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you can file for divorce without alleging that your spouse did something wrong. All you need to convey is that it’s a broken marriage, and there is no hope of reconciling. You can approach an attorney to learn about the proper steps.


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