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How to Find a Good Trucking Job



How to Find a Good Trucking Job

Employment opportunities for truck drivers are everywhere right now. If you’ve earned your commercial driver’s license, here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a trucking employer:

Research Pay, Incentives, and Benefits

Truck drivers are in high demand, and salaries and benefits reflect that. Do some research on what average drivers are being paid for the types of routes and cargo you’re interested in driving. Many companies are choosing to sweeten the pot by offering generous benefits and incentives on top of base salaries, so be sure to ask about all of these when talking to a potential employer.

Ask About Long-Haul Journeys

Each trucking company is going to approach the challenge of long-haul journeys in a slightly different way. Ultimately, you want to get the cargo where it needs to be on time, keep yourself safe, and give yourself time at home to nurture important relationships. Talk to the company about its strategy for balancing all these goals and choose one that makes sense for you.

Keep Your Driving Record Clean

Your goal is to have wide open choices when it comes to taking a trucking job. With a clean driving record, you can have your pick of employers. But, if you make mistakes and incur blemishes on your record, your options become narrower.

Look at the Trucks

It’s not just your driving records that matter; the company’s records matter as well. By taking a look at the trucks yourself, you can draw some important conclusions. For example, clean, well-maintained trucks are indications that the company cares about its drivers. Drivers are safer and more comfortable in good, solid trucks.

Stay Healthy

If you’re interested in a long career as a commercial truck driver, you need to make caring for your health a priority. Good sleep, nutritious foods, and regular exercise are all part of that and your employer can support your efforts in a variety of ways.

Get Additional Training

Staying on top of your game requires regular training. Good employers offer training programs to their drivers.

Or Maybe It’s Time to Go on Your Own

After all that, you might decide you’d like to go on your own. Buying a used semi-truck is a good way to get your driving career started. Opportunities for private drivers are everywhere and running your own trucking business offers you flexibility and autonomy. Whatever you choose, get out there. The road is calling.

