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Should You Be An Egg Donor? A Quick Requirements Checklist



Should You Be An Egg Donor? A Quick Requirements Checklist

Nothing compares to the excitement of having a family. Unfortunately, this reality is nearly impossible for one out of every eight American couples. Infertility is the failure to conceive naturally following six months of constant trying. Throughout the years, techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) have permitted infertile couples to bear children. Nevertheless, IVF alone is not always sufficient for some infertile women. To achieve a successful pregnancy in California, the hopeful parent might require a Newport Beach donor egg. Read on to learn about the significance of egg donations, the extraction process, and what it takes to qualify as an egg donor.

When Are Egg Donations Necessary?

Egg donation is increasingly becoming acknowledged in the reproductive realm, with hundreds of donated eggs every year. A woman could choose to give her eggs to a fertility clinic for various reasons. Still, the main function is to allow a couple or individual to start a family.

However, most give to a family member or friend struggling with infertility. Other donors are sympathetic to the millions of infertile women due to reduced ovarian reserves or failure to generate healthy eggs and want to assist them. Besides, LGBTQ couples might also need an egg donation for use in surrogacy.

Understanding the Extraction Process

An egg donor will donate eggs either through a donation agency or clinic. Donating eggs could take up to two weeks. The donor will use hormone prescriptions practically every day to promote egg production.

Once the eggs are mature, the doctor will conduct a minor surgical operation to retrieve them. The physician should obtain around ten eggs, each producing many viable embryos for a prospective couple. Nevertheless, this is only the process of egg development and extraction. Egg donation requires extensive screening and criteria, taking several weeks.

Who Qualifies to Become An Egg Donor?

Donating eggs is a serious commitment. Actually, the FDA considers egg contributions to be equivalent to organ transplants. The FDA and fertility clinics have their own rules for egg donors. From a physical viewpoint, these include:

·         Donors should be aged between 21 and 35 years. Some clinics refuse to accept patients under the age of 35.

·         Donors must not smoke or have a history of substance abuse

·         Donors must have a healthy BMI and not be overweight or underweight

·         Egg donors must have fully-functioning reproductive organs, including ovaries and ovarian reserve

·         Donors must not be on birth control, such as IUDs

·         Hormone balance and normal menstrual periods are standard

·         Donors should not have acquired an STI in the previous year

As a component of the donation procedure, an initial screening, backed by genetic and blood tests, will establish if the donor satisfies the parameters.

Additional Considerations:

Being in excellent physical condition is only the beginning. Various emotional, mental, and social variables determine a donor’s suitability.

·         Some facilities require a high school certificate

·         The donor must be ready to withstand the physical and mental trauma of egg extraction

·         The donor should be aware of the legal ramifications of their donation

Considering these factors, only a small fraction of women are eligible for egg donation. The fertility specialists at OC Fertility® will conduct extensive psychological testing to rule out any issues.

Infertility could put a family’s future in jeopardy. Even with IVF, the odds of becoming pregnant diminish as you get older. If you or your partner are considering IVF, and wish to enhance your chances of a healthy pregnancy, talk to the fertility experts at OC Fertility® about today. Schedule a consultation through mobile or book online.

