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Rights of Injured Workers



Rights of Injured Workers

Knowing your rights as an injured worker can make a big difference in how your workers’ compensation claim is handled, as well as in the benefits you are able to receive. At Pacific Attorney Group, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case, and we will be happy to take the time to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. A Los Angeles workers’ compensation attorney at our offices can complete an initial case review in order to assist you in getting a better understanding of what to expect. The California Department of Industrial Relations also has a great deal of helpful information regarding workers’ compensation for injured workers online.

As an employee in California, you have certain rights if you are injured on the job. Your employer is required to pay workers’ compensation benefits if your injury occurred while you were working or if you fell ill or were injured due to a dangerous condition (such as toxic exposure) at the workplace. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault program, meaning you may be entitled to benefits regardless of who was at fault in causing the accident. Even if you made a mistake or were careless in some way, your employer has the burden of providing workers’ compensation coverage.

As an injured worker, you may be entitled to the following benefits: medical care, temporary or permanent disability benefits, or rehabilitation or job displacement benefits. If you lost a loved one in a workplace accident, you may be able to receive benefits for your loss.

