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7 things you need to have healthy hair



If you want healthier-looking hair, there are a lot of things you can use that are available in the market. If you have been overusing your heat styling tools or going for hairstyles that require tension that can damage your hair, it’s time to develop some solutions for better-looking hair. From hair products to accessories, there are items that will give your hair an extra boost inside and out. In this article, we’ve listed some things you need to treat your hair better and give it more shine and volume.

Hair vitamins

Hair health is determined by many factors, such as age, genetics, hormone levels, medical conditions, diet, stress, and hair care. This makes it difficult to determine the root cause or cause of any problem. Hair vitamins can be helpful in adding nutrients to your hair. Hair vitamins are used to strengthen, lengthen, and thicken hair. Most hair vitamins include folic acid, biotin, vitamins A, C, D, and E.  

Deep conditioning mask

Deep conditioning masks work the most on those with dry, damaged, lifeless, or even chemically-treated hair. Most deep conditioning masks are clinically proven to enhance hair shine and enhance your long-term hair health. Try to deep condition once a week to bring life back to your hair.

Scalp serum

A scalp serum is like a facial serum, it nourishes the scalp and removes any kind of buildup. Scalp serums contain concentrated ingredients that are blended together to create a formula that removes impurities while nourishing the scalp and keeping it moisturized and protected.

Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is suitable for all hair types. It reduces frizziness and gives it more texture while cleansing the hair. Dry shampoo is great if your hair just needs an extra push if you haven’t washed your hair in 2 or 3 days. Dry shampoo gives your hair some volume and makes your hair less greasy.

Hair treatments

If you constantly apply bleach and/or hair color, then you’ll need to treat your hair after drenching it in these chemicals. There are a lot of hair treatments to choose from. Make sure to find the type of treatment your hair needs. Most hair treatments consist of moisturizing and hydrating factors. Aside from moisturizing, some hair treatments also have toning factors that can remove the brassy shades on your hair and some have elements that protect your colored hair.

Silk accessories

Silk headbands, hair ties, and scrunchies are better for your hair because the material is less rough and won’t tear, pull, or damage your hair. They don’t rip or press against your hair like regular hair accessories.

Microfiber towels

Microfiber towels are great for your hair, as regular towels are prone to tugging and shrugging due to the material not being very soft and not too absorbent. Microfiber towels don’t cause frizz, in fact, it reduces frizz. They absorb moisture very well without over-drying your hair and leave just the right amount of moisture to your hair, and the smaller fibers do not pull or tangle hair strands making it less harsh to your hair and scalp even when you’re in a hurry.


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