6 Common Errors with Dental Veneer Care and How to Avoid Them



Are you looking to add some extra pearly-white shine to your smile? Have you heard about dental veneers and are considering getting them installed? If so, you should know about the common errors with dental veneer care that you must avoid.

This can help you keep your new smile sparkling clean and strong for years!

See below for several important tips on how to avoid errors with dental veneer care.

1. Using Improper Brushing Technique

If you don’t brush your teeth right, your dental veneers could get damaged or wear out faster than they should. If you brush too hard or use a toothbrush with hard bristles, the veneers can chip or come loose.

To avoid this mistake, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush with light pressure. Instead of cleaning back and forth, move your toothbrush in small circles to clean the front and back of your teeth. Be careful about how much force you use to keep your teeth from getting too stressed.

2. Neglecting Regular Oral Hygiene

Good oral care is important for the health of your natural teeth and veneers. If you don’t brush, floss, and rinse your teeth regularly, plaque can build up, gum disease can happen, and the veneers can get stained. Use an antifungal mouthwash and brush your teeth at least twice a day to keep your veneers and gums clean and healthy.

3. Consuming Stain-Causing Foods and Drinks Excessively

While porcelain veneers are highly resistant to staining, excessive consumption of certain foods and beverages can gradually discolor them. Substances like coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits can leave stains on the surface of your veneers, affecting their natural appearance.

If you are eating with veneers, consider rinsing your mouth with water immediately afterward or brushing your teeth if possible. This can help minimize the staining effects and maintain the natural appearance of your veneers.

4. Using Your Teeth as Tools

Using your teeth as tools for tasks like opening bottles, tearing packages, or biting on hard objects can pose a risk to your dental veneers. The pressure and force exerted during such activities can cause the veneers to chip, crack, or break.

To avoid this error, use appropriate tools or utensils for these tasks. Refraining from using your teeth as tools protects your veneers from unnecessary damage and maintains their structural integrity.

5. Grinding or Clenching Your Teeth

Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, can place excessive pressure on your veneers, leading to their damage or premature wear. If you grind or clench your teeth, talk to your dentist about wearing a custom-fitted nightguard or splint to protect your veneers while you sleep.

6. Skipping Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental checkups are important to ensure your veneers are in good shape and being cared for properly. Dentists can look for early signs of damage, fix any problems immediately, and clean teeth to remove tough spots. Set up and go to your dentist appointments at the right times.

Determining How to Avoid Errors With Dental Veneer Care

Poor dental veneer care can lead to chips, stains, and cavities. To avoid these errors with dental veneer care, one should brush twice a day, floss daily, use non-abrasive toothpaste, and visit the dentist regularly.

Ask your dentist for tips to protect and care for different types of veneers. Follow their advice, and you’ll be sure to get the longest life out of your veneers. So go now and schedule an appointment with your dentist- you won’t regret it!

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