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5 Reason Your Dog Stares at You




Just like humans, dogs have certain gestures that they use to portray what they want. One of the most common gestures is a dog staring at you. 

If you wonder, ‘why does my dog stare at me’, keep in mind that your dog can stare at you for plenty of reasons. They may be showing you their love or they may want something from you. What they’re trying to say depends on the way they’re staring at you. 

So, let’s see the top five reasons why they’re doing that. 

Reason 1: They May Want Something From You 

As dogs cannot directly communicate with us to ask for things, they may resort to barking or even staring to capture your attention. 

If you find your dog staring at you with longing eyes, then they may be asking for something. For instance, if they want a toy, they’ll stare at you. Some might even stare if they want their favorite puppy treats! 

One of the major reasons why they are staring now is because you may have given them whatever they wanted, in the past, when they stared at you. So now, they think that they’ll get anything they want just by staring at you with their puppy eyes!

Reason 2: They May Be Confused 

Sometimes, we, humans, also stare when we feel puzzled or confused. The same can be said for dogs. 

If you notice your dog staring at you, with their head tilted, it could be because they are confused about something you said or asked them to do. Most of the time, dogs may stare during training sessions if they don’t understand your commands. 

For instance, if you ask your dog to fetch a ball, and instead, they stare at you, they may not have been trained properly. So, you may have to train them again to make them understand your commands. 

Reason 3: They Are Upset or Mad 

Dogs also tend to stare when they’re about to attack you and get aggressive. Many times you’ll be able to recognize this look if you notice your dog growling, along with staring at you. 

If your dog is upset or mad, they may even have a stiff tail and body, dilated pupils, and a closed mouth. So, if you notice this when your dog is staring, it is probably the best and the safest idea to give your dog some space. 

You can also try to understand the reason why they’re mad at you. It could be because you scolded them or tried to dominate them. 

Reason 4: They Are Showing Their Love Towards You 

There’s no denying that dogs are lovable animals. Due to this, they have different ways of showing their love towards you. 

So, if you find your dog staring at you with a soft expression and a waggy tail, they are just appreciating you. 

Now, sometimes, many owners may confuse this expression as anger. However, if your dog is simply admiring you, they’ll be in a relaxed position, and they may be panting slightly too!

Reason 5: They Are In The Hunting or Herding Mode 

Certain breeds of dogs, such as German Shepherds, were meant to be for herding or hunting purposes. So, they may start staring when they get into a hunting or herding mode. 

This may happen if you’re playing a game with them or you have taken them to a forest-type area. So, if your dog suddenly lowers their head and stares, they are preparing for a hunt!

Final Thoughts

These are some of the reasons why your dog stares at you. Keep in mind that it is necessary to understand their expression and posture to determine what they are trying to convey. 

Once you can do that, you’ll realize how to make them stop staring!


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