4 Signs of Damaged Furniture and Possible Ways To Fix Them



Damaged Furniture

What is your favorite piece of furniture? What exactly do you like so much about it?

Is it the color? Or is it the quality? Does it provide a comfortable place to sit, or does it provide excellent back support?

Most people come to love the pieces of furniture in their home based on the qualities that they have, not the damages that they’ve accrued.

However, damages are unavoidable. They can often get overlooked, leading to more significant and expensive problems.

Read on to learn about the four common signs of damaged furniture and the possible ways to fix them.

1. Severe Dents or Potholes in the Furniture

When dealing with severe dents or potholes, a few options are available. The simplest method would be to cover the damaged area using a piece of fabric cut to the exact size of the hole. This serves as a quick fix and is often the most inexpensive.

Another option is to hire a carpenter to fill the hole with wood putty. This is usually more expensive but provides a more permanent solution.

A third option is to patch the hole with a filler material, such as spackling paste. This, too, is a more permanent fix but can be time-consuming.

2. Damaged Finishes

Frequently, the finish needs to be removed entirely and replaced. This could involve manually sanding the furniture down or with specialized power tools.

It is also essential to first identify what type of finish is on the living room furniture. Keep in mind that different materials need different treatments.

If you don’t know how to deal with the damages yourself, don’t risk it. Get in touch with a professional instead.

3. Torn Fabric

The best way to handle such a situation is by consulting a professional upholsterer to repair the damage. Most often, this type of repair will involve many steps. These include removing the old fabric, re-stuffing the inside of the furniture, and installing the new material.

It may also be necessary to replace padding and springs underneath the fabric. There are various types of materials that you can use. This depends on whether the furniture is for everyday use or an heirloom item.

Other solutions include using patches or sewing new fabric strips around the tear. In any case, it is vital to have an experienced upholsterer assess the severity of the damage before attempting to repair it.

4. Rusty Metal

When metal rusts, it corrupts, and this process causes irreversible furniture damage. To avoid this, take preventative measures by keeping metal furniture dry and clean.

Keeping furniture away from sources of moisture. These include bathrooms, water pipes, and humid air. Doing this can help keep the rust away.

It can be challenging to restore rusted furniture. If you’re unsure how to do it, you better not take unnecessary risks. You can have pros restore your upholstery here or you can replace them entirely.

Seeking Help When Dealing with Damaged Furniture

For damaged furniture, seeking professional help is best to get the desired outcome. Seeking the right advice and assistance can help restore the furnishings and make them look new.

A great place to start is by reaching out to a local furniture expert. Get started today!

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