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3 Solutions for Your Aching Head



Chronic headaches and migraines shouldn’t be taken lightly. Not only are they painful, but they can impair your senses and leave you feeling awful for hours or days on end. When your head is pounding, it can be hard to concentrate on work and difficult to keep up with regular tasks. Not to mention, staring at digital devices and screens won’t help mitigate your symptoms.

Headaches are exactly what they sound like: pain in the head. This pain can radiate to other parts of the body such as the neck and face. Headaches can be triggered by not drinking enough water or going through a stressful situation. Migraines, on the other hand, are extreme and more intense in nature.

If you’re a sufferer of frequent headaches or migraines, then keep reading. These three solutions will help whenever your head starts to ache. Moreover, they can help make your life more enjoyable and lead to less time in a dark room on a couch. 

1. Find a Reliable Treatment Method

How many times has someone asked if you’ve taken a couple of Advil? If you’re experiencing a severe migraine, over-the-counter treatments may not be the solution for your aching head. While these medications can be beneficial for some minor aches and pains, they aren’t the right answer for everyone. If you consistently suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, it’s important to find a reliable migraine treatment.

Don’t think you need to find medication by yourself, though. You may need to speak with a migraine expert, either in-person or virtually from the comfort of your home. These professionals or doctors can prescribe a treatment that is more likely to work for your recurring head pain. Moreover, you can meet with them after taking the medication for a few weeks to discuss your treatment plan.

Successful treatment methods can be different from everyone. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available. Gepants are a newer class of drugs taken specifically for migraine pain. Triptans are prescriptions that lessen migraine pain by restricting blood vessels. If your migraine is causing other symptoms such as depression or nausea, you may need to take those medications as well.

2. Prioritize Certain Supplements

You may use supplements to keep you healthy when you’re well, but they can also be beneficial for migraine prevention and management. If you are interested in more herbal or natural approaches, supplements may be your answer. You can easily add them to your wellness routine. But before you start taking any new supplements or vitamins, talk to your primary care doctor. They can ensure these supplements won’t interfere with any of your other medications.

Certain types of supplements can be used in the prevention of migraines. Melatonin, which is often known as the “sleepy” supplement, can be used in preventing migraine attacks. Magnesium is another supplement that can help prevent migraines, particularly pre-menstrual-related migraines. This vitamin helps reduce inflammation, which can often cause head pain. Magnesium is also known to boost energy levels as well as support muscle and nerve function.

Other types of supplements can be used in the treatment of migraines. Vitamin D, or the “sunshine vitamin,” has recently risen to the top of must-have supplements. Many people are vitamin D deficient, no matter how much sunshine they get each day. Additionally, vitamin D may also help prevent migraines from happening in the first place. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has antioxidant properties, defending against oxidative stress that is often associated with head pain.  

3. Eliminate Alcohol and Caffeine

This may be the hardest tip to swallow, but it can have a significant impact. Alcohol and caffeine are two known migraine triggers. These substances can dehydrate you, which is another reason why frequent use of them may cause head pain. To curb your headaches, try to eliminate or reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake.

Alcohol is a depressant and a known migraine headache and trigger. There is a reason for a hangover headache, after all! That said, those who frequently suffer from head pain may want to reduce or even eliminate their alcohol consumption. There are various delicious beverages that don’t contain alcohol, so get creative with juices and seltzers to replace your happy hour favorites. There are also some tasty non-alcoholic beers and wines on the market you can try as a substitute.   

Recent research shows that individuals prone to migraines may have more headaches after enjoying a cup of coffee. While your morning beverage is not the cause for your head pain, it can trigger or prompt a migraine. If you can’t fathom waking up without coffee, never fear. There are delicious decaf varieties available today. Additionally, chicory or mushroom coffee or even a matcha tea or golden milk latte may be a nice alternative to your beloved coffee.


When it comes to head pain, everyone is different. Some are able to power through the pain, while others need to be left alone undisturbed for hours on end. No matter what, finding a reliable treatment, trying different supplements, and eliminating or reducing certain substances can be helpful. You don’t need to suffer from head pain for so long. Prioritize your well-being by seeking out the right management methodology for you.


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