What Are Common Examples of Personal Injury?

Injuries can happen at any time. They happen at work, school, in your neighborhood, shopping for errands, and so on. Regardless of how careful you are, you may suffer an injury due to someone else’s negligence, such as that of a driver who’s driving under the influence or an employer who doesn’t understand the importance of slip-resistant floors. If you’re unfamiliar with what defines personal injury, read on for more information.
Dog Bites
Sometimes man’s best friend can turn on another human without provocation. When a dog is anxious or prone to violence, if you’re unlucky enough to cross its path, you may end up being a victim of its sharp bite. As long as you did not break into someone else’s property, attack the owner and put the dog in protection mode, or knowingly tease the dog, you have the right to compensation if it bit you.
Dog bites can be devastating both physically and mentally. In addition to the physical scarring a canine bite can leave behind, you also have to worry about the potential threat of rabies and infection. Speaking of rabies, always immediately seek medical attention, no matter how minor a dog bite is. Only a medical professional can check for a rabies infection and stop it before it wreaks havoc on your nervous system and results in a fatality. Whatever you spend on medical care can be reimbursed once you seek legal consultation.
Slip and Falls
If you forgot to put down dry ice outside your home after a snowstorm and end up falling outside, that is your issue to handle. However, what if you ended up slipping and falling while at work, or out running an errand at another business? If the fall results in injuries like a broken bone, bruise, sprain, or concussion, you have been a victim of personal injury.
Slip and falls on the number two cause of workers’ compensation claims nationwide. Even if you do your due diligence by filing a claim immediately after a bad fall, you may still have problems getting your compensation right away. That’s why you should always take the next step in pursuing legal help to ensure your claim is processed quickly and efficiently.
Car Accidents
Imagine following all the rules of the road. You keep your hands on the wheel, avoid distractions while driving, don’t play loud music, and keep your eyes on the road. While you’re a good and responsible driver, unfortunately, the other person next to you may not be. If someone is driving under the influence, changing lanes without signaling, or running a red light, and you cross their path on the road at the wrong time, you may become a victim of a vehicle collision.
Unfortunately, car accidents can have devastating impacts on people. You may end up suffering bodily harm as well as emotional trauma. There may be financial consequences of having your car totaled, and it may affect your work and overall daily routine. When a vehicle collision causes such a disruption to your life, you have the right to pursue compensation to make up for it.
Personal injury can affect millions of people around the world. You can be injured due to someone’s negligence at any time, so it’s imperative that you know your rights and fight for any compensation due to you. You don’t have to deal with the situation alone. You can find out more here by contacting our firm for a consultation.

Harper Harrison is a reporter for The Hear UP. Harper got an internship at the NPR and worked as a reporter and producer. harper has also worked as a reporter for the Medium. Harper covers health and science for The Hear UP.