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Vitamin Supplements: For Bridging The Nutritional Gaps



Vitamin Supplements: For Bridging The Nutritional Gaps

Vitamins are micronutrients that are essential in some quantities by our body for functioning properly and deficiency of vitamins in your body can lead to various health problems. Most of the vitamins can be obtained from our daily diet. However, due to our hectic life schedule we sometimes miss some essential vitamin and mineral sources, and there comes the role of vitamin supplements.

What Are Vitamin Supplements?

Vitamin supplements are made up of organic compounds that are required by our body to stay healthy. Vitamins tablets or capsules are required for maintaining a variety of metabolic processes. These supplements are usually developed to bridge the gap nutrient between what you eat and what you need to eat to stay healthy.

Vitamins are of two types:

  • Fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the four fat-soluble vitamins that are usually stored in our body’s fatty tissues. In the presence of dietary fat, these fat-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by our bodies.
  • Water-soluble vitamins: The nine types of water-soluble vitamins include Vitamin B1 / B2 / B3 / B6 / B12, Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid, and Folic Acid. These water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and the leftover vitamins that cannot be absorbed leave the body through the urine. These types of vitamins should be consumed regularly in the form of food or supplements to prevent a shortage in the body.

What are the 13 essential vitamins needed for our body?

The 13 essential vitamins are

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3.  Vitamin D
  4.  Vitamin E
  5.   Vitamin K
  6. Vitamin B1
  7.  Vitamin B2
  8.  Vitamin B3
  9. Pantothenic acid
  10.  Biotin
  11.  Vitamin B6
  12.  Vitamin B12
  13. Folate.

What are the benefits of consuming vitamin supplements?

Every vitamin supplement has its own benefits and here are a few benefits that we will be sharing with you:

  • Vitamin supplements that contain vitamin A are helpful for maintaining healthy bones, mucous membranes, soft tissue, teeth, and skin
  • Vitamin B6 consumption helps in the formation of red blood cells and maintaining brain function.
  • Vitamin B12 helps in regulating the proper metabolism rate and maintaining the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin B complex is used for treating ulcers in the mouth
  • Vitamin C is great for your skin, hair, and nails. In fact, it is one of the best vitamins for boosting your immunity. It also helps to maintain healthy tissues and quick healing of wounds
  • If you have hair related problems, then you can always opt for products that contain biotin.
  • Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, necessary for the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.
  • Vitamin K helps in the process of coagulation of blood.

What are the top-selling brands of vitamin supplements?
You can find a number of vitamin capsules or tablets from numerous domestic and international brands. Some of the best products that you can consider buying are from brands like HealthKart, TrueBasics, Now, Myprotein, HealthVit, GNC, HeathAid, and INLIFE. You can easily find these effective supplement brands from a reputable online store like SuperSmart or from your local retail stores..

We hope we were able to help you understand why you should be consuming vitamin supplements regularly. While letting you understand the benefits of vitamins, we also recommend you to not start any of these supplements on your own. It is always necessary to consult a doctor and then take supplements according to your body’s requirements.

