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15 video games you should play before you die

I’m sure there are more than 15 video games you should be playing before you die. However, in this select list, I am including the essentials. Those video games that your girlfriend, your dad, your mom, your friend who doesn’t play many video games, should have passed or at least tried.
These are the games that you will surely play at least once in some not so specialized conversation about video games. Of course, I’m not including soccer players because, well.
Metal Gear Solid
This is the video game you should thank for the coverage system (I’m watching Gears of War), this started it all. You should also thank this game for the mature (non-violent) tone of video games and cinematic scenes made with the game’s own engine. Thanks to Metal Gear Solid, the industry began to take deep storytelling through video games more seriously.
Come on, if you ever didn’t hang out with your friends to play Starcraft after school, I don’t know what universe you’ve lived in.
Super Mario World (SNES)
Virtually every game starring our favorite Italian plumber is great, but if we’re talking about titles that created a before and after in the evolution of Super Mario Bros., this is it. Along with Mario 64, Super Mario World for Super Nintendo, it is among the best of the best.
Resident Evil 2
A franchise that after its fourth installment went downhill. If you want to enjoy perhaps the best-themed game in a zombie universe, you cannot miss this Capcom title.
The Last Of Us
With so many good titles coming out lately that you are considered one of the best in history means something. The Last of Us is a title that rubs shoulders with the big franchises that are on this list. Whether you are a gamer or not, you must play it, you will still enjoy it.
Half-Life 2
The internet is full of memes about the release of Half-Life 3, the nonexistent sequel to one of the titles most adored by the PC gamer community. Half-Life 2 was the “different”, it is a title that transported the user to another dimension. It’s such a good title that sometimes I wish its sequel would never come out for fear that it won’t live up to the hype.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
All Zelda is good, but if there is one to praise it is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It may not be the best, but what it meant to be played for the first time in 3D is an experience that is rarely repeated in life.
Crash Bandicoot
The version of Mario for Playstation. I don’t know if it was a copy or not, but Crash has so much personality that it doesn’t really matter. It is a pity that not much is known at present about this game, but one thing is certain: it was and continues to be present in the hearts of gamers.
Come on, it’s Counter-Strike.
They have called it the Lego of today. Incredible as an independent project it has had so much cultural impact. Now Minecraft has guides and many children who play it, it has even been included as part of the school curriculum in some schools.
Diablo II
In an age where video games were frowned upon, a video game called “Diablo” became popular. And after Diablo III came out, we can be even more confident that Diablo II was really cool.
Street Fighter 2
Everything was good in this sequel. The settings, the story, the characters, the soundtrack. There are already several Street Fighters, but without a doubt, this is the most memorable.
Age of Empires
If you wanted a game related to the future, you had Starcraft, if you wanted one from the past, you had Age of Empires. End of story.
Pokémon (Red / Blue / Yellow)
Along with Mario and Mickey Mouse, Pokémon must be the best-known franchise on the planet. Go and play the first Pokémon, it was something completely different from what there was.

Harper Harrison is a reporter for The Hear UP. Harper got an internship at the NPR and worked as a reporter and producer. harper has also worked as a reporter for the Medium. Harper covers health and science for The Hear UP.