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Top 7 Online Resources for Your Special Education Assignments



Top 7 Online Resources for Your Special Education Assignments

Special education is meant to serve children with emotional and cognitive impairments such as learning disabilities and orthopaedics. Some learners find special education to be a major challenge. However, writing a special education assignment may help understand the basics to easily unwind the complexities of the subject. For instance, they can learn difficult acronyms and abbreviations to describe the disabilities.

For writing your assignment for special education, the source material you consider for data collection is of utmost importance. It is meant to support your arguments, clarify the points and refute your opposing ideas. So, the sources you choose must be sound and reliable to maintain the text’s credibility.

In this article, we will talk about the noticeable sources you can use for writing your assignments. However, if you don’t have good research skills, then you must think of availing yourself of services from assignment writing platforms for better outcomes.

Keep reading to learn the sources that can support your point and build a critical argument. However, first, learn the special education framework and how it assists special students.

What Is Special Education?                        

Special education refers to the services that are tailored to the needs of children with learning disabilities. It does not mean that students are supposed to sit in special classrooms the whole day. Rather they learn in the same classrooms as other kids but with special treatment. However, it depends on the level of disability that children have.

For instance, some may need to spend the whole day in special classrooms, while others may need an hour or two. In some cases, children visit different schools that specialise in teaching special students.

What Are the Top 7 Resources for Special Education Assignments?

When writing your assignments, the source material helps generate the tropic-related ideas. It is the collection of objects that the writer can use to gather information. In this regard, the reliability and accessibility of the source material is a matter of concern. To ensure readability, always go with a source that is trustworthy or instructed by your tutor.

However, all the sources are not accessible to the learners at the moment they start writing assignments. For instance, those living far away from the main city will have difficulty in visiting the library for data collection. Therefore, using online databases may benefit you in numerous ways, as you can access them anyway.

Here are the top online sources to learn about the topic and give your point of view on a special education assignment.

  • International Journal of Inclusive Education
  • The Academic Papers UK
  • European Journal of Special Needs Education
  • Rephrase.Info Writing Tool
  • Affordable Dissertation UK
  • Grammarly
  • Cheap Essay Writing UK

The detailed discussion below provides the details, like where you can access them and which one is more credible to consider.

1. International Journal of Inclusive Education

It is an international journal that incorporates a bulk of source material that is worthy of consideration for a special needs education assignment. It provides a strategic forum for all educators in schools, colleges, and universities. All the papers published on this platform are original and well-researched in organisational structures, policy-making, curricula, etc. These articles have undergone a rigorous review and editing by at least two anonymous referees before they were published.

Some of the noticeable study areas of the journal are given below to assist in a special education assignment,

  • Disability studies
  • Gender studies
  • Racist education
  • Special education needs
  • Educational psychology
  • Inclusive technologies

2. The Academic Papers UK

As we have discussed above, data collection is a crucial part of special education assignment writing. Its importance comes along with task complexity. For instance, you will need to visit each website or journal manually to gather the most relevant data for your paper. Additionally, you must have good organisational skills to pay attention to the details.

In this hustle, the expert assignment helpers of the Academic Papers UK sparkle like a ray of hope with their excellence. With their assistance, you don’t need to worry about updated statistics, building a database model or reviewing the processing lines. All the hard jobs will be handled by the experts to ensure there is no inconsistency and error in the source information.

Top Qualities of The Professional

  • The subject specialist has a solid comprehension of the subject and how to use the conceptual information.
  • They are efficient in implementing problem-solving strategies.
  • They are available 24/7 hours to communicate with the learner and provide solutions that are tailored to their needs.


Pricing for your A/O level assignments costs you only £9.95/per page. Additionally, some discounts on the website can help you get quality samples within your budget.

3. European Journal of Special Needs Education

This journal reflects the dynamic growth of practice and theory for special needs education. As the name indicates, it is focused on the European context, so it provides a discourse relevant to their situation. This scholarly research forum provides new insights into the issues related to special needs and inclusive education.

There are primary research reports as well as literature reviews. Some short reports will be published from time to time that do not have substance as expected from publications. It does not have a fixed format and can be an extension of the existing study conducted on a small or compromised sample.

Journal Metrics

  • There are almost 536K annual downloads.
  • The impact factor was recorded as 2.6 in 2023.
  • They accept articles for publication in an average of 7 days.

4. Rephrase.Info Writing Tool

To make your special education assignment more creative and make their writing style better, students may also get help from these online tools. It helps in rephrasing to make content more engaging and compelling for the reader. This is how you can add versatility to your work with just one click. Moving on, let’s take a look at the top features of this substance.

Top Features

  • It is freely accessible with 500-word limits. However, you can go with the premium version for the full experience.
  • It offers multiple rephrasing modes such as standard, creative, fluency, formal and smart.
  • It offers multiple options for uploading your text file. For instance, you can copy the text into the clipboard or download the file in Google Docs.
  • It provides grammatically correct outputs with spelling mistakes.
  • It integrates other tools such as grammar, etc.
  • You can develop creative and smart modes for your assignment needs.
  • It can help in legal writing, which is context-sensitive. Therefore, you can easily rephrase complex language into an easily readable form.
  • It will emit the extra information from the text to avoid wordiness and grant precision.


The premium version of the tool is available for different pricing plans. For instance, you can buy a monthly subscription for $20/month and an annual for $150/year.

5. Affordable Dissertation UK

We have been emphasising using various online sources to strengthen the arguments in your special education assignment. Considering the university’s strict writing guidelines and students’ in-expertise in conducting effective research, many students wish to benefit from academic writing services.

However, the high prices of services may deter them from opting for them. The cost of their education and academic preferences is already very high, so managing extra expenses seems strenuous. However, there are affordable options, such as affordable dissertation UK, that will not break the bank.

Top Benefits of Services

  • They pride themselves on providing high-quality content tailored to the needs of clients.
  • Offer competitive prices that make it accessible to students with different budget constraints.
  • Ensure all the orders are delivered within the given deadline.
  • The expert writers are PhD degree holders with extensive experience in academic writing.


The pricing starts from £11.95/page or 250 words with a 15-day deadline.

6. Grammarly

Grammarly is probably one of the well-known writing tools among learners. Nowadays, none of your special education assignments can be polished and look professional without the incorporation of the use of Grammarly. It is good for editing, grammar checking, contextual spelling, etc. Therefore, it will be beneficial to learn about the top perks it grants to its users to avail of its maximum efficiency.

Top Features

  • It is a virtual editor that identifies and rectifies grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Helps in enhancing the clarity and readability of the text.
  • It polishes the punctuation to form a unified writing style.
  • Assists you to grow your vocabulary.
  • Its plagiarism detector features ensure that the work is authentic.
  • Highlights the sentences having fragmented thoughts and awkward constructions.
  • It can support multilingual writings, such as English, Spanish, French, German, and more.


Grammarly comes with different subscription limitations. For instance, the premium users who pay $30/month receive 1000 prompts. However, business users can enjoy 2000 prompts for $75/month.

Although these tools help make the complex special education assignment writing task easier for you, there are some demerits associated with it. For instance, you may be alleged to have plagiarised, or the content it generates may not be human-readable. So, it is preferable to consider the content written by your preferred academic writing expert.

7. Cheap Essay Writing UK

Assignment writing is not a hard job to do. It becomes easier in the presence of countless writing tools or online sources available. However, these sources can prove faulty rather than valuable if not used properly. For instance, you may not gather the relevant data for your work.

Therefore, there is no better means other than taking professional assistance from cheap essay writing in the UK. They can assist you in a wide range of writing tasks such as essays, theses, dissertations, case studies, assignments, etc. If you want to maintain your high academic standard, take note of the below-mentioned top perks of getting these services.

Top Benefits

  • Students appreciate their quality work and adherence to the deadline.
  • Customer support is frequently praised for its helpfulness and responsiveness.
  • The pricing may vary depending on the level, urgency and complexity but they will not charge very high prices.
  • All the assignments will be written from scratch by conducting deep research and checking for plagiarism.
  • There are some special offers that you may avail yourself of from time to time to get discounts.


You may visit the website to choose the best-suited prices for your special education assignment project. For instance, if you want a professional to write a 250-word assignment, it can cost you £ 13.95/ per page for a Master’s level assignment. However, there is a special offer to avail of £5% on each order. It means that the final price would be just £13.25.

What Qualifies a Child for Special Education?

To evaluate whether a student is eligible for special education or not, the following procedures may be considered.

  • If a child does not commensurate with his/her age.
  • The child has a severe dependency on achievement and intellectual ability, including reading comprehension, written expressions, mathematical calculations, etc.
  • His daily academic report is not in an acceptable range.
  • Failing to give close attention to the details.
  • Making careless mistakes in curriculum and co-curricular activities.
  • It seems like it is unheard of, even addressed directly.

How to Modify Writing Assignments for Special Education Students?

You can use the scaffolding method to break the assignment task into smaller manageable chunks. Also, you can look for graphic models and organisers to make students understand what you intend to do. Below are some additional strategies to consider in this regard.

  • Assign only a few problems or questions so that they don’t feel stressed with the workload.
  • Allow them to dictate the special education assignment ideas to friends and colleagues.
  • Get creative with the reports to enhance the visual representation.
  • Offer them open-ended and self-directed assignments.

What Is the Best Classroom Arrangement for Special Education?

A special education classroom needs to be engaging in learning activities to minimise behavioural problems. To set up a classroom, you should consider each aspect of the room and how it can impact the child mentally. Here are some classroom setup ideas to keep in mind.

  • Consider the age range of students and design the room accordingly.
  • Determine the layout in which separate areas will define the separate use.
  • Arrange a classroom that matches your teaching method well.
  • The environment must be comfortable, accessible and pleasant for students.
  • Brainstorm and get creative with the theme available to use.

What Is Assignment Method in Education?

An assignment method is one of the most useful teaching methods, especially in the discipline of science. It is useful in both the teaching and learning process. For instance, it grants self-learning, and writing skills, as well as useful to prepare reports among the learners. Writing such assignments is not a difficult task.

All you need to do is master some basic writing and research skills. However, you can also purchase assignments online from professionals. The choice is yours; just be aware of the prompt requirements and make sure to abide by them.


Special education is meant for learners who are born with cognitive and other learning disabilities. Such students can’t learn in traditional classroom settings. Hence, they needed extra attention to grasp the comprehension. Therefore, there are special education professionals who can assist them in learning like other students. The special education subject is not very difficult to learn but there are some complexities associated with it.

In this regard, the importance of writing special education assignments can’t be denied. For compiling such an assignment, the way you gather information and present your arguments is the backbone of an effective presentation. First comes the reliability of the sources, and second comes the relevance.

The above-detailed discussion is on the top sources that are worthy of consideration for your assignment needs. These are top journals, helping tools, and authentic websites that grant you quality papers. Although you can rely on any of such sources, considering academic writing services offers the safer option. Expert writers may prove valuable in finding your well-structured, researched and credible piece of paper to boost your grades.

