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I want to use my laptop always connected to the power: tips and good practices to conserve the laptop battery



laptop battery

We are going to give you a series of tips to preserve the health of your laptop battery when you always have it connected to the power. There are several options by which a user can decide to choose to do this, such as not always having to worry about charging the battery or because it continually discharges.

However, when you do this there is the problem that the battery can degrade over time and that this means that when several months or years pass, the autonomy of your laptop is reduced very considerably. Therefore, the advice that we are going to give you is aimed at avoiding this degradation.

Always connected battery is not a good idea

The first thing to keep in mind if you want to work with your laptop always connected to the power, you will have to avoid that the battery is always connected . As we will tell you a little later, this can be an option in many laptops that have a removable battery, although there may be many others where the battery cannot be removed.

In these cases, the tips to conserve the laptop battery are the same as with a smartphone or tablet. The great rule of thumb is to keep the battery between 20 and 80% charged. This has to be the case always since it is not good neither to discharge it completely nor to have it fully charged since the lithium-ion cells degrade.

For this reason, if you keep the laptop always connected and with the battery on, when the charge rises to 80% you will be forcing and degrading the ion cells of the battery, which means that your health and autonomy decreases with time as a cheap battery suffers more rapidly.

For this reason, it is not good to always have it connected to the electrical network. Even if you are at home. When the load reaches 80% the ideal is to unplug it from the power, and when you see that the load drops to 20% you will have to plug it back in. Maybe once a month it is good to discharge the battery completely and charge it to 100% to synchronize the battery indicator of the operating system, but nothing more.

For this reason, it is highly inadvisable to work with the laptop always connected if you cannot remove the battery . This is something that you should keep in mind when you go to buy a laptop in case you intend to work while keeping it connected. If the battery cannot be removed, you will have to unplug it and plug it in from time to time.

It is best to remove the battery from the laptop

There are two types of notebooks, those that allow you to easily remove the battery and those that have it integrated. Obviously, if the battery is integrated into the laptop, it is not good to remove it, so in these cases, you will have to follow the advice we have given you before always keeping it between 20% and 80% of its charge.

And if your laptop has a removable battery, there is also some advice that can be given to you. If you are in doubt as to how good it is to always leave the laptop battery out, the advice to preserve it better is the same as when you have it connected.

When you go to remove the battery from your laptop, you have to make sure to leave it removed with between 20 and 80% of its charge. Keep in mind that even when the battery is disconnected, it can continue to discharge itself, so it is also advisable to reconnect it from time to time to ensure that it remains between those charge levels.

The battery is always going to degrade

In the end, what you have to keep in mind is that your laptop battery is always going to degrade, but you always have the possibility to prevent it from degrading so quickly. If you have the battery always charging, it may start to degrade too much in a few months, and you quickly lose autonomy.

If you take care of the battery as we have told you, it will surely degrade very slowly. And it is not the same that a battery degrades to a certain extent in two years than it does in six or eight years.

