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The Important Stages of Child Development



The Important Stages of Child Development

Can you believe that about 385,000 babies come into the world every day?

If you’ve just had a baby, you might be wondering what to expect.

Child development is fascinating and encompasses various stages. Understanding these stages can help support children’s growth.

This article will unpack the critical stages of child development to give you a clearer idea of the future.


The first stage of childhood development is infancy. This stage lasts from birth to around two years of age. During this period, children experience fast growth.

They learn to control their bodies and develop their gross motor skills. These skills can include crawling, standing, and later walking.

Infants also begin to develop their fine motor skills. For instance, they’ll gain better control of small muscles, such as those in the hands and fingers. This helps them to grasp objects and investigate their immediate surroundings.


The toddler stage spans from two to three years old. At this point, they become more adept at walking, running, and climbing. Their fine motor skills improve as they learn to manipulate objects.

Toddlers also experience certain cognitive developments. For example, they’ll show more curiosity. They’ll also have a boost in their problem-solving skills and language capacity.

Preschool and School

Preschool years often last from three to five years of age. Children at this stage display significant cognitive growth. They’ll expand their vocabulary and engage in creative play.

They’ll become more coordinated in various activities. This can include jumping, hopping, and throwing. Fine motor skills advance further, too. This development allows them to draw more recognizable shapes and letters.

After preschool comes the school stage. This stage lasts from six to 12 years old.

You can expect children to refine their motor skills. You’ll find them more proficient at bike riding, skipping rope, and playing team sports.

Fine motor skills continue to develop as well. They can then write more neatly, tie shoelaces, and more.

At this point, children become more logical thinkers. They’ll also have better memory, among other cognitive skills.


One of the final stages of development is adolescence. This stage usually occurs between the ages of 13 and 19. During this period, teenagers experience major physical and cognitive changes.

Their gross motor skills reach maturity, along with their fine motor skills. They can perform complex tasks like playing musical instruments or painting.

Cognitive development during adolescence is characterized by increased abstract thinking, planning, and decision-making abilities. Teenagers start shaping their own identities and life values. They also develop critical thinking skills and a larger capacity for empathy.

If you’re interested in pediatric occupational therapy, check out this OT evaluation template.

Understanding Child Development Helps Parents

Now that you understand child development better, you can do your best to raise a beautiful human being.

You can learn plenty more about children and how to raise them. We cover this topic in other articles. You can also find content that covers business, beauty, gaming, fitness, and more.

Be sure to revisit us sometime soon.

