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The Benefits of PRP Therapy



The Benefits of PRP Therapy

You can always tell a healthy skin the results are visible. It starts from eating healthy diets, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from the sun. The sun is the number one enemy to your skin and accelerates signs of aging. Wearing protective clothing and sunscreen every time you are in the sun protects your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays. In addition, the PRP facial in Kingwood also promotes your skin’s health to increase its vibrance and glow. This article provides you with the skin health benefits of PRP therapy.

What is a PRP facial?

Typically, the blood has various components, including plasma, platelets, red and white blood cells. The plasma contains platelets that have rich properties in cell growth and that helps with blood clotting.  PRP or platelet-rich plasma is a blood solution with high levels of platelets.

The solution comes from your blood. Your provider prepares a PRP by taking a small amount of your blood and placing it on a centrifuge for separation. The blood separates itself into layers where he then removes the plasma and platelets layers, to prepare the injection.

How does PRP therapy work?

The PRP therapy works through the increased levels of platelets. The injection has more platelets compared to the blood. When injected into your body, PRP promotes cell growth and healing in specific treatment areas.

PRP therapy comes from your blood hence guaranteeing safety and effectiveness. The injections have no prompts to be rejected. Unlike other treatments, you have a low risk of getting infections or side effects from PRP injections.

PRP therapy as a hair loss treatment

Research studies show PRP injections as effective treatments to prevent hair loss and enhance new hair production. It’s also believed that PRP lowers inflammation, which is a major cause of hair loss.

PRP injections activate new hair development. There is an increase in hair growth after PRP therapy. Scientists have ongoing research studies to learn more on how the PRP promotes hair growth.

What is a PRP facial?

It’s a PRP technique that enhances facial cell regeneration, improving your skin health and appearance. Your provider uses your blood to make the PRP solution.

The PRP facial treatment involves your provider making several micro-injuries in the skin around your face, using a special medical device. Usually, they apply a numbing cream on your face to enhance comfort during the procedure.

Then, they put the solution on your skin’s surface. The tiny punctures in your skin allow the PRP to penetrate your deep skin layers; hence promoting healing and cell multiplication. The treatment stimulates the growth of collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and lines, improving your overall facial appearance.

PRP facial is a technique that improves your facial appearance through cell regeneration that promotes collagen production. It eliminates the appearance of lines, wrinkles, scarring, among other skin issues. Platelet-rich plasma has a high concentration of platelets that contain growth factors, which encourages more cell regeneration. The increased levels of platelets have healing properties that can help improve your health in various ways. Contact Elite Dermatology today to schedule your consultation.

