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Product Sellers Not Using Image Clipping Service Needs to Get a Wake-Up Call



Product Sellers Not Using Image Clipping Service Needs to Get a Wake-Up Call

We would assume that when things get done, it gets done the right way. However, it is not always the case. There are countless people who are selling their own or purchased retails consumer goods online that are doing it the wrong way to start with. The most important thing to do when selling consumer goods online is the images of the goods that you are selling. While it is common to send that a good image will attract the attention of the consumers, it really doesn’t appear that way when we see some images on retail platforms. Some images we see are so boring that it only takes a second for the visitors of the site to hit the browser back button to get out of that site. And some sites we visit, we see images are professional looking, image clipping service has been availed to give the image a sharp look, products showing clear outlines and various angles, all to the book. These are the products that get sold and others that are so boring gets left behind.

How Many Images Are Needed for a Specific Product?

That really depends and there is no golden rule. Some sellers post only one product image on their site. Depending on the product they are selling, it might be OK or not OK to put only one image for customer review. Some sellers post as many images as possible showing their consumers various different angles of the product so that they can make informed purchasing decisions.

Image editing cost also comes into play. Whatever it cost to edit one image by an image clipping service provider, it cost ten times more to get ten images edited. Also, the commercial photographer that offers their services to the product sellers will charge ten times to shoot ten products.

As you can see, increasing the number of images to help sell the product is not that easy. The shopping platform also needs to accommodate the images so there is a cost associated with that as well. It is therefore a budget issue that needs to be thought out at the very beginning of the product sale cycle. A business owner will need to figure out the budget and the image quantity requirement when it comes time to sell the product online.

How Much Does It Cost to Edit One Image?

Cost widely varies. It varies based on the person who is doing it, location the person resides, a quantity of images that need to get edited, frequency of editing and how often they are edited, etc.

A senior graphic designer living in the USA will charge a good $40 per hour or more for his services. So, to edit a single image that requires 30 minutes of work, he or she might charge $20 or might even charge $40 as a minimum charge. On the other hand, an offshore image clipping service provider offering bulk image clipping services will charge only a fraction of it. Often, the charge is less than a dollar per image editing or clipping and it goes up based on complexity. However, it typically doesn’t go above $3 per image edited.

It is important to figure out the image and quality requirement at the very beginning. If not, the entire marketing and sale will suffer.

