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Pregnancy 101: 3 Weird Signs Labor Is Near



Pregnancy 101: 3 Weird Signs Labor Is Near

Pregnancy is a fantastic experience full of excitement and waiting for your baby to arrive. Suppose you’re going to be new parents soon. In that case, you’re probably learning about the usual signs of labor, like contractions and water breaking.

However, did you know some strange signs can also mean your baby is coming soon?

In this article, we’ll talk about three weird signs labor is near that could mean your baby is getting ready to be born.

1. Nesting Instinct Gone Wild

Nesting is common among pregnant women but can take a bizarre turn as labor approaches. The nesting instinct is that overwhelming urge to clean, organize, and prepare your home for your newborn. However, when labor is near, this instinct can go into overdrive.

You might find yourself scrubbing every nook and cranny, rearranging furniture at odd hours, or even repainting the nursery for the umpteenth time. It’s as if your body and mind conspire to ensure everything is perfect before your baby arrives.

These bizarre actions are signs of a hormone surge that may trigger this heightened nesting instinct as labor approaches. While it might seem strange to be cleaning the baseboards at 2 a.m., it’s your body’s way of preparing you both physically and mentally for the big day of giving birth.

2. Flu-Like Symptoms

Another one of the weirdest signs of labor is feeling like you have the flu. Some soon-to-be parents have said they felt feverish, achy, and tired in the days before work started.

You might think it’s just a regular cold or flu, but it could be your body telling you that labor is coming. These symptoms may be confusing because your body’s immune system prepares for delivery.

As you prepare for having a newborn, your immune system might not work well quickly, making you more likely to get minor infections. Even though these symptoms can be uncomfortable, they usually get better as labor continues. So, it’s a good idea to rest and drink lots of fluids during this time.

3. Intense Back Pain

This pain may come in the form of a dull ache or sharp spasms and can be a result of the baby shifting into the optimal position for delivery. Despite its discomfort, this type of back pain is a positive sign that the baby is ready to enter the world. However, it’s important for expecting mothers to listen to their bodies and consult with their healthcare provider if the pain becomes too intense or debilitating.

It is important for women in labor to get the proper support that they need especially from their partner during these times. If you are still not sure who the baby of your father is, it’s best if you can have your prospects get a paternity test. To learn more, check out this article on home paternity tests to help address your concerns during this crucial phase of pregnancy.

Understanding the Three Weird Signs Labor Is Near

In short, pregnancy is a unique and sometimes confusing experience. We usually recognize the common signs of labor. Still, these three weird signs labor is near can help us understand the complex process of giving birth.

Remember, every pregnancy is different; not everyone will have these signs. Talk to your doctor for advice and reassurance if you notice any strange changes or discomfort as your due date approaches.

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