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According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN, 850 million people around the world are undernourished. Due to extreme poverty, most of them cannot afford nutritious food and this paves the way to multiple diseases as well. Hunger, in one way, is a dangerous pandemic as it takes the lives of approximately 2.9 million children every year and most of these deaths occur primarily due to the impoverished circumstances of these children. Catholic missionary societies like St Columbans Mission Society have always adopted a cross-cultural, inclusive approach when it comes to fighting a global crisis like hunger. It is the responsibility of each one of us to join hands with societies that transcend cultural and religious barriers in the fight against global hunger. Hence, mobilizing communities in taking vital steps to donate to the poor should be given primary importance in the 21st century.

Here are some of the reasons which would further prove why one should care about global hunger and take initiatives to curb it.

Malnourishment can lead to negative health effects

According to a survey conducted in 2020, two out of twelve children (approximately 200 million) in third-world nations are underweight. Malnourishment can lead to negative health effects that can last for a long time and it also increases the chances of exposure to diseases. Both the mental and physical realms of children are affected due to poor nutrition. The first one thousand days in the life of an infant is very crucial as it determines the future health conditions of that child.

It can possibly affect children’s education

As per recent reports, 72 million children who belong to the primary classes attend the classes hungry. 30 million of these kids belong to the African continent. As mentioned earlier, hunger will have a tremendous impact on the grasping potential of the child as well. This contributes to further problems like low immunity and lack of concentration which will severely affect the child’s ability to stay active in the class.

Let us not break the momentum

Among the seventeen SDGs proposed in 2015 to be achieved by the year 2030, the first and second ones aim to eradicate hunger and poverty from the world within the stipulated time period. Ever since the agenda was announced, a lot of countries and non-profit organizations like St Columbans Mission Society have been putting up double their effort to get rid of global hunger by 2030. Besides, achieving zero poverty and zero hunger will have a remarkable impact on the world economy, education, health, development, equality (in terms of gender, race, etc.), and so forth. Hence, it is vital to do away with global hunger to build a sustainable environment for the upcoming generations.

The absence of enough attention worsens hard-hit areas

In areas where poverty and hunger are extreme— like South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Somalia— the conflict is already intense as around 50% of the overall population in these countries are food-insecure. This has even forced the authorities and non-profit organizations to go forward with compulsory displacement to lessen the pressure in concentrated areas.


Every individual in this world for sure deserves to live in an environment that provides him/her with an adequate amount of food and sanitary living conditions. Being deprived of such basic amenities does not mean that they should be denied such privileges. Donations from people who live in a better environment can help in significantly improving the living conditions of poor people around the world. With digital fundraising gaining prominence all around the world, all it takes for you to offer your helping hand to the needy is just a few minutes. Let us come forward and join our hands in this noble mission.

