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How to teach an adult dog where to go to the bathroom



How to teach an adult dog where to go to the bathroom

A concern for those who move to an apartment is to teach their dog where to go to the bathroom so that they do not need their furniture and carpets.
It is commonly believed that dogs can only be trained to go to the bathroom while they are puppies. However, it is possible to teach them where to urinate and defecate at any age, even when they are adults, according to experts Pedro Enrique Saragoza and Vanessa Velez.
The first thing when arriving at a new home is to keep the adult dog in a confined space during the day while getting used to doing his needs. It can be a transport box, the dog’s house, a room or a yard.

More Things Should Consider

It is important that in the place where the animal is confined there is a bone or toy so that space will not be considered a punishment.
Ideally, when the dog is taken for a walk, he will take a bath, since walking stimulates the movement of his intestine. If you don’t do the bathroom, you wait two hours and take it out again. With the passing of the days reduce the confinement times little by little until you learn.
It is best to take your pet at an early hour, between 5:00 and 7:00 in the morning.
After you go to the bathroom it is crucial to reward the dog with caresses and cookies to stimulate his behavior. Do not scold your dog if it “is done” inside the house. The idea is to learn through prizes, not punishments.

At Home:

Back home, feed your pet. Remember that your bowel will be empty by then. And speaking of food, it should not be completely dry, moisten it with very little broth.
Remember to take the dog for a walk three times a day. In case you work and are not at home for long periods of time, try to make the walk long for the little animal to empty its intestine. You can also hire a walker to take it out at noon.
It is very likely that the first days of the bath inside the house. This is because the animal is making recognition of the place. Be patient and wash the dirty area with vinegar, bleach or perfume.
If your pet responds well to training, give him more freedom to walk around the house. You may learn in two or three days, according to experts Saragoza and Velez.

