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How to rank new websites in Google with the help of SEO Punjab



How to rank new websites in Google with the help of SEO Punjab

Search engine optimization is a collection of techniques that do not increase the number of visitors to an internet site by ranking high in search results.

One of the key features of SEO is that it clears your users and your search engine bots off your website.

 SEO Punjab helps search engines understand the content of a particular page and how it helps users. In the current situation of fierce competition, it is essential to rank as high as possible in search results and this requires an effective SEO strategy.

1. Start the title with the target keyword

Proper searches appear at the top of the Google search results page, which adds more traffic to your website. Conversely, improperly selected or inappropriate keywords can reduce the likelihood that your site will become known.

Keyword-rich titles give Google more weight because the title of an article or page defines its content. Generally, a keyword is close to the beginning of the title * tag, which weighs more on search engines. You can check this by searching the keyword on Google.

As you can see, most pages ranked by the competing keyword are placed strategically at the beginning of the title tag. While not necessary, it’s safe to make your website more relevant to what people are looking for.

2. Place the keyword between the first 100 words of the text

The best place to put keywords in an article is in the first 100 words. Many people like long introductions before having trouble with keywords. This is not recommended for the obvious reason that Google has very little relevance to search results.

3. Use outgoing links

Outbound links are the main source of information to attract more attention to your website. Many people make the mistake of not adding links to other websites/articles.

Outbound links indicate to Google that the article is valid and informative and both are essential requirements for ranking. So, if you don’t, be sure to add an external link to each post.

4. Write a meta description that you want to click on

The meta description is the most important and visible next to the title tag and URL and convinces people to click on Google search results.

If you want to view the last article and make your website effective, make sure the meta description is attractive and informative. It should be in 150 words and intrigue your visitors.

5. Put the target keyword in the URL

Since keywords are the backbone of SEO on your page, you need to pay close attention to them. There is no reason not to include them in the URL.

Adding has benefits. By adding the target keyword in the URL, you can see that Google has another reason and another way to show more relevant articles to a specific phrase.

6. Write long text on the page

Research shows that long content improves your ranking on Google. A target of about 2000 words with at least 1000 words per post or page should be set. This will inevitably lead to long-term traffic and increase site visibility.

The longer the content is, the more naturally you can add keywords, but more naturally the emphasis on information. The longer the text, the more reliable the message is. In short, Google recognizes that messages are more relevant than short, concise text. Because today’s search models are synonymous with long-tail keywords, longer texts improve the likelihood of article/website ranking than other articles.

7. Use internal links

Internal links link different pages in your domain and are required to reduce and optimize your website’s bounce rate. After the release of Link Juice, users/browsers will stay on your website longer and your website traffic will increase. This improves the user’s browsing experience.

8. Optimizing the image

Make sure the images on your website contain file names that contain your target keywords. Additionally, the target keyword should be part of the image’s alt text. This improves article optimization and creates a clear picture of the search engine in terms of article/page relevance.

Images are an important part of any website because they make the pages visually appealing and informative.

Optimizing your images will naturally improve your rankings. Also, your image ranks high in image searches on Google.

9. Make sure your site is very fast

Slow websites adversely affect top users, but not the program.

Thus, a slow website can cause your site to rank lower in search engine results. This translates for you into a decrease in the number of page views and advertising revenue or customer conversion

10. Your website must be compatible with mobile phones

Mobile-friendly websites should display on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in a user-friendly manner. This implies that when a user views the site on their smartphone, they do not need to pinch and zoom to read the content and click on the links.

The site is therefore easy to read and use on a smartphone, which eliminates any excessive effort.

The responsive design described a website that dynamically resizes to fit the width of the device or the browser on which it is displayed. Responsive design uses a single code base that works on hundreds of devices. Naturally, greater mobile friendliness equates to more visitors, which means more traffic to your site.



