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How Efficient Is PRP Therapy for Chronic Pain?



How Efficient Is PRP Therapy for Chronic Pain?

Lingering, debilitating, chronic pain has a cascade impact on your body and everyday life. To relieve pain, most patients and their physicians have resorted to opioid drugs, but the remedy has done more harm than good. Since the late 1990s, when drug manufacturers convinced doctors that opioids had no addictive properties, over 2M persons have become hooked on these painkillers, and almost 48,000 opioid-related overdose fatalities have been recorded. That statistic accounts for about 130 person’s daily, and the numbers do not seem to stop soon, but instead are rising even higher. Whereas drugs, when properly supplied and used, have a position in pain management, Dr. Garen Gajian of Pain & Anesthesia Care takes a different approach. Whenever possible, Dr. Gajian chooses interventional techniques that combine cutting-edge technology, nonpharmacological paths, and innovative procedures. One such effective technique is PRP therapy. Read on to discover how effective New Brunswick PRP Therapy is in addressing chronic pain.

How Does Your Body Deal With Pain?

When you get hurt, your body goes into self-healing mode and releases platelet cells to the wounded location right away. These platelet cells include important healing and growth factors that help to repair injured tissues. Moreover, these platelets call on stem cells within your body to help complete the healing process and alleviate swelling and discomfort.

How Does PRP Improve Your Body’s Pain-Relieving Capabilities?

Generally, PRP is a contemporary therapy that aids in the relief of pain by boosting your body’s natural healing mechanism. PRP operates much like your body’s own systems; it packs the wounded area with those all-essential platelets, while also speeding up the healing process by delivering the platelets to the targeted area quicker and in greater concentrations.

Dr. Gajian begins by extracting a small blood sample from your arm, just like any standard check-up. He then spins your blood at increased speeds in a centrifuge, separating blood rich in platelets from blood with low platelet quantities. After that, he uses a syringe to deliver the platelet-rich plasma blood to the wounded region, which is the root of your chronic pain. Now, all that is left is to wait for the platelets to do what they do best: neutralize your agony and start healing.

What Types Of Pain Does PRP Help With?

As PRP keeps providing immediate and lasting pain relief for various conditions, more applications are being discovered. Nonetheless, some of the conditions PRP therapy has proven effective with include:

§  ACL injuries

§  Sprained ligaments

§  Ankle sprains

§  Rotator cuff injuries

§  Plantar fasciitis

§  Osteoarthritis pain

§  Tendonitis

§  Arthritis

§  Back injuries

§  Spinal injuries

§  Neck injuries

§  Tennis elbow

§  Disc herniation

§  Post-surgical wounds

How Safe Is PRP Therapy?

The safety of PRP is maybe its most significant feature. PRP utilizes your blood; hence, there is virtually minimal chance of rejection and infection. Besides, there is very little downtime to deal with. Only a needle injection to draw the blood and inject the platelets is needed; hence, you can resume your schedule right away.

How Efficient Is PRP?

Everybody reacts to PRP in their unique way. Most persons enjoy instant pain alleviation and complete recovery within several weeks or months. As your body reacts to the treatment and your stem cells begin to regenerate, you should notice a considerable reduction in your pain.  

More significantly, platelet-rich plasma strives to repair the inherent problem that has been triggering your chronic pain to continue to live free of pain.

Ultimately, PRP therapy has numerous advantages over other standard pain relief procedures. Not only will you enjoy an accelerated healing process and reduced downtime, but also minimal post-procedure complications and enhanced mobility. To explore the benefits of this revolutionary pain solution and establish if it could work for you, call the Pain & Anesthesia Care office in New Brunswick, NJ office or book an appointment online today.

