Gphysco Will Be Featured On KISS FM

On August 3, 2022 Gphysco had decided a way to be featured on KISS FM radio after his successes in his song “Dating Is A Show Remix”. That day he had submitted his song to KISS FM radio which will be playing this song for a period of time. Gphysco has also been self promoting his amazing song on other services getting his song and himself out there more and more. Realizing this Gphysco is slowly continuing to help get his song out to the public. Gphysco has said “you won’t ever know how your music will do into you show to the world.”
It’s been nearly 2 months since this release and Gphysco has reached 4k views on Youtube which broke a record on the channel. This song has truly brought hope inspiration and motivation in Gphysco’s music’s future to grow and do what he loves doing.

Harper Harrison is a reporter for The Hear UP. Harper got an internship at the NPR and worked as a reporter and producer. harper has also worked as a reporter for the Medium. Harper covers health and science for The Hear UP.