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Golf Swing Secrets



Golf Swing Secrets

In golf, there is always something on which you can improve.  That’s what keeps your mind working and your body agile.  If your current goal is to work on your swing, read on.

To achieve a long hit, think about how your shoulders operate.  Tilt your left front shoulder toward the ground on a backswing rather than moving the shoulders as though you are looking behind you.  This should increase the distance your ball travels.  A good way to practice this is to use a mirror and think about how your shoulders are turning.  A golf putting mirror may be one of the tools to consider.

Be aware of how your hips are moving.  Over-exertion is a common movement that can be corrected by focusing on your tailbone.  The ideal is that the bottom of your spine will get closer to the target.  The difficult part is not allowing your head to shift toward the target or over the back foot.  The sweet spot is several inches closer but no nearer than one or two inches.

Another swing problem can be when the upper body gets too much attention compared with what the hips are doing.  If you direct hips toward the target line, it almost feels like a twist.  This will result in the arms and hands (with the club) will come through at impact rather than at the beginning.  If your navel or belt buckle is facing the target line at impact, your knees will point directly at the target as well.

The Shoulders

If your arms dominate the swing, the shoulders will be level at impact.  What you would like is that the back shoulder is lower than the front at the strike.  Go back to the belt buckle image and keep it extended over the front foot with your head just a bit over the center of your stance.  The finish to the shot will be a stretched back and extended torso with no bend.

Follow Through

Use your full body from the impact through the follow-through.  Keeping the chest and torso long and tall allows the upper body to engage and not just the arms.  Act as though you are going to push off the ground and leap.  This should increase the speed of the ball.

There are a number of ways you can practice these tips.  The use of a mirror is one of the best ways.  Using a full-length mirror and moving in slow motion will help you judge your posture and swing techniques.  Another beneficial tool is a putting golf mirror.  Place this on the ground and you will have a perfect view of your body placement and how it is aligned and moving through the swing.

Check out some interviews and demonstrations by pros.  You will find that their experience will guide you to a better swing and more accurate hits.  Being mindful of your entire body and how it is working will benefit your swing and make the hobby much more enjoyable.

