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Getting The Best Possible Sleep



Getting The Best Possible Sleep

When you find yourself among those who contend with restlessness at night or frequent wakeups in the wee hours, or you just find it difficult to drift off each night, there are several tips that are likely to help. Spend the next couple of weeks making a few adjustments, do some sleep tracking and the results might amaze you.


  1. Make sure that all lighting is off when you are ready to fall asleep. This covers more than just lamps and overhead lights. Digital alarm clocks, electronic devices must be shut down or at their lowest light settings possible. If it is impossible to eliminate all light sources in the bedroom, think about purchasing an eye mask.


  1. It is best to unplug from electronic media of all sorts before turning in each night. This includes television, smartphones and the like because all of these things can get your mind racing and active, which in turn keeps your body going when all you really need is sleep.


  1. Set an appropriate bedtime for yourself. Work on retiring a little earlier every night until you settle on the ideal bedtime. However, it is important to exercise caution here. You do not want to force yourself into bed before your body is ready, because you will just waste time in an uncomfortable and frustrating state. Rather than attempting to retire an hour earlier than usual, try to make a gradual change of 10 or 15 minutes over a period of time until the adjustment is complete.


  1. Stick to a regular sleeping schedule. Try putting yourself to bed at roughly the same time each night so that your sleep comes quickly. The human body thrives on routine, and observing a sleep schedule will ensure you get the best possible sleep. Over time, your body will almost certainly start waking itself each morning at approximately the same time, provided the rest received was optimal. Try experimenting with different bedtimes to get the absolute correct rhythm going. Alarms for both bedtime and waking time can be set on a personal fitness tracker, and each day’s experience can be recorded in a sleep log, providing the research necessary to make appropriate changes to your routine.


  1. Maintain a cool temperature in your sleeping space. Research suggests that sleep comes much easier when the body is cooler. If a room is too warm or too cold, slumber can be difficult.


  1. Limit both alcohol and caffeine intake, with the latter, restricted mainly to mornings. Ingesting caffeine may impact the ability to sleep for multiple hours after the fact. While many believe that alcohol makes sleep come a bit easier, it also leads to an increased number of disturbances and wakeups in the night. Ultimately, this leads to poor-quality sleep, which is the opposite of what you want.


  1. Strive for a good level of physical activity each day. Those who exercise regularly tend to achieve much better sleep at night.


  1. Ensure your bedroom is comfortable. If your mattress is old or uncomfortable it is likely to be depriving you of a good restful night’s sleep. Take a look at these Ikea mattress reviews.


  1. Maintain a positive outlook about your journey to better sleep. By learning which methods are particularly effective for you, getting truly restful sleep really can be easier than you ever thought possible.
