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Five Common Causes of Chronic Stomach Pains



Five Common Causes of Chronic Stomach Pains

Chronic Stomach Pains

Chronic stomach pains can cause anyone a lot of discomfort. It can also be hard to pinpoint where the pain is coming from.

No one plans on feeling this pain. However, many people end up experiencing them, even after they’ve walked away from any stomach issues they had initially.

While these pains may be random and inconvenient, they can be ominous when they occur often and persist. If you’ve been having chronic stomach pain that doesn’t appear to have an end in sight, you may be suffering from a major illness that may require your attention.

Continue reading to discover five common causes of chronic stomach pain that may signify something much more.

1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

This type of disease is one of the common causes of stomach pain. It weakens the sphincter muscle at the lower end of the esophagus. Also, it is commonly caused by overeating and high-fat or acidic foods.

Common symptoms include heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation, and trouble swallowing. Treatment is focused on reducing symptoms and improving quality of life. This may include lifestyle changes, medications such as antacids, H2 blockers, or surgery in some cases.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It is a disorder of the intestines that can cause stomach cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits. IBS can affect anyone at any age and is more common in women than men. It could be caused by imbalances in the “good” bacterial flora in the intestines.

People with IBS often have other functional bowel disorders, such as chronic inflammation of the intestines. Treatment usually includes diet changes, medications, exercise, and stress management.

If you are experiencing these types of pain, consult the nearest pain clinic in your place for proper medical care.

3. Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers are open sores on the inside lining of the stomach, small intestine, or esophagus. These are typically caused by H. pylori infection and inflammation of the stomach lining, known as gastritis. Symptoms include burning pain in the stomach, indigestion, heartburn, bloating, vomiting, or stools.

Most of the time, it can be cleared up with antibiotics or medications that reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. Other treatments may include proton pump inhibitors, antacids, acid blockers, and H2 blockers.

4. Gallstones

Gallstones are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, a small organ located below the liver. When gallstones obstruct the bile ducts, they can cause stomach pain known as biliary colic. The pain is usually felt in the upper right abdomen and may radiate to the back or shoulder.

Treatment options for gallstones vary depending on their size and severity. In some cases, surgical removal of the gallbladder may be necessary.

5. Crohn’s Disease

It is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the small intestine and can spread to other areas of the digestive tract. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, urgent or frequent need to use the bathroom, bloody stool, weight loss, fatigue, and fever. People who suffer from Crohn’s may be taking medication to reduce their symptoms and help manage their condition.

Learn More About Chronic Stomach Pains

In conclusion, chronic stomach pains can significantly impact the quality of life. Thankfully, with the proper diagnosis and a few lifestyle changes, many of the five common causes can be treated easily. If you’re concerned about your chronic stomach pain, make sure to speak to your doctor.

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