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Exploring Alternative Programs: How to Stay Sober Without AA



For almost 90 years, Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping people get sober and stay sober for good. This worldwide program is based on addicts supporting other addicts through the recovery process.

It’s a type of group therapy, and since it’s so widespread, you can find the support you need wherever you travel in the world. If you live in a remote area or don’t agree with AA’s spiritual principles, there is still hope for you.

Read on to find out how to stay sober without AA.

Getting Sober

There’s no denying that it is exceptionally difficult to stay sober without some type of support system. When you stop drinking, you go through a gamut of emotions and physical withdrawal symptoms that are difficult to manage on your own.

In cases of severe alcoholism, it’s vital to get help from a reputable inpatient rehab center.

These professionals can help relieve withdrawal symptoms with medication. They will help you through the transition phase with therapy sessions and establish a good foundation for lasting sobriety.

An outpatient rehabilitation center is a good option if you haven’t been drinking for a long time or if you have a good support network at home.

There is life after rehab, though, and most centers recommend that you continue with therapy for as long as you want to remain sober. In most cases, AA is the most easily accessible source of support after rehab, but it’s not the only one.

How to Stay Sober Without AA

When you’ve completed your treatment at a rehab center, or if you want to stop drinking on your own, you’ll need help to make the most of your recovery. Some of the most effective ways to achieve this include:

Find a Different Support Group

There are many communities of addicts working on sobriety together across the USA. You could sign up for a group of like-minded yoga enthusiasts, mindfulness fundis, or groups of professionals.

Get Professional Help

A qualified addiction counselor can help you work through many of the issues behind your addiction. They also give you a sense of accountability, as you’ll need to show up for your sessions on time and sober.

Embrace Healthy Habits

Finding new ways to entertain yourself is a pivotal step in maintaining sobriety. Hobbies and interests will help keep you out of bars and other triggering places and help you make new friends.

A healthy diet, exercise program, and good self-care can improve your mood and boost your self-esteem. Set up a structured routine to create order in your life and give you the stability you crave.

Embracing Sobriety

Knowing how to stay sober without AA is vital for those who can’t or don’t want to access this 12-step program during recovery. There is help available for you if you’re serious about sobriety.

Some ways to find the help you need include speaking to your church minister or your doctor or researching potential support groups online.

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