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Experience the Romance of Shaving With The Double Edge Razor



Experience the Romance of Shaving With The Double Edge Razor

Long before cartridge razors surfaced, the double edge razor was cleaning men’s facial hair. Those who have and are using it, swear that the double edge razor provides a nicer shave, cost much less as compared to the cartridge blades and are manlier.

Starting with Double Edge Razors

Getting into using a double edge razor is like entering a new world altogether. It is not just the razor itself, but a whole range of accessories that get perched on your bathroom shelf. However, while the accessories help in providing you with a great shave, the most important tool that you need is a good razor. While beginners would benefit from using a double edge safety razor, where the blade height is set; for those with more experience, there are many more factors to consider. Handles of different lengths, the weight of the razor, open comb versus bar razors, different ways of setting the blade, and the overall aggressiveness of the selected razor are all factors that need to be looked into before purchasing your razor. Most of these factors are selected or rejected based on the personal preferences of the buyer.

What makes a Razor Good?

There are no right or wrong, good or bad, and best or worst when it comes to selecting a double edge razor for your whiskers. The selection of your razor will depend on your personal preferences and comfort levels. You can get more information on selecting a razor at Double Edge Razor for Beginners, along with all information on the daily art of shaving. Given below are a few pointers to help you choose a double edge razor and blades to go with it.

Selecting Your Double Edge Razor

Comfort matters: The first thing that matters is how comfortable are you with the razor in your hand. Depending on your hand size and steadiness, the length and weight of the razor will vary. However, a lot of people prefer using a heavier razor that allows them to exert less pressure while shaving and is easier to balance.

Changing blades: While the method of changing blades does not make any difference to the shave quality, it certainly makes a difference to the shaving experience in total. Double edge razors are available in two formats – twist to open and three-piece. The twist to open razor features a knob at the bottom of the handle, which when twisted, opens the blade housing like a butterfly’s wing. The three-piece razor features a blade housing that comes off when you open it to replace the blade.

Selecting the Blade

Unlike cartridge blades that fit selected handles, double edge razor blades fit all types of double edge razors. However, to select a good blade for your razor, you need to select one that is sharp and lasts long.

The Bottom Line

Perhaps the only way of shaving your whiskers that is manlier than with a double edge razor is using a machete, like Crocodile Dundee. So, what are you waiting for – go out there and get your double edge razor pronto?

