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Career Guidance – Who Needs It?



Career Guidance - Who Needs It?

People always ask for advice from experts on their health, investments, and how to repair their car. But when it comes to the most important decision of all, Adopting a career direction, they struggle in quiet.

It doesn’t matter if you are a student, a job seeker, a career changer, or someone thinking semi-retirement choices, finding a direction that suits you is just difficult by yourself.

Many hope they will ultimately fall into the right career. Others wait for the “advertisement” moment in which their future life path will suddenly shine before their eyes. Does it occur? I have yet to see a signboard with my name on it.

Studies reveal that only 15%-20% of all united states workers are very happy in their current jobs. Add to that fact data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which reveals that the average worker now moves through 10+ jobs for a career and you get an unpleasant picture of how well we all do when left to our own devices.

If so many people are frustrated and miserable, why don’t they ask for help?

3 Key Reasons People Don’t Ask Career Guidance from a Career Consultant

They don’t understand what career consultants do;

They don’t believe they can fit it into their schedule;

They’re worried it will cost too much.

Sound familiar?

So why should you ask the guidance of a career consultant?

What a Qualified Career Consultant Can Do for You

Help you evaluate your interests, powers, skills, values, and character;

Help you know a career direction that fits you;

Help you reveal what may be holding you back;

Help you map out education (if needed);

Help lead you in how to market yourself (networking, interviewing).

The simple best thing about the career direction process is the way it makes you feel. Stop right now and close your eyes. Check how you feel about your current place. How do you feel about the way the next 10 years of your life are likely to discover if you stay on the current path?

Are you on the proper path? Are you really satisfied? Is your current direction the most reliable use of your talents? Do you feel admired? Are you inspired when you wake up in the morning?


Do you feel like you’re riding, boxed in, or just rubbing through each day? Are you frustrated, worried, or even mad because you don’t know what your next step should be? If you slip into this second group, it’s time to get some help.

You take your car to an expert for a tune-up… isn’t your career direction more valuable than an oil change?

How to Find A Qualified Career Consultant

A simple way to find qualified career guidance is to search online. But as you analyze your options, make sure that you pick a program that lets you speak directly with a career consultant – some services only offer email exchange.

Look for a career consultant, who has a Master’s Degree and at least 5 years’ experience in career direction.

Beware of anyone who will not tell you upfront what his/her fees are.

Look for a program that offers a mixture of self-assessments and 1-to-1 personal career guidance.

Stop waiting for a billboard moment. Get the help you deserve to get a life path that suits you

Description, an online career guidance program that helps people make better, more confident decisions about their life direction and career path. Flyingpepper helps students and adults at all life stages.

