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Bloodborne Community Is Coming Together With Another Return To Yharnam Event



Bloodborne Community Is Coming Together With Another Return To Yharnam Event

Bloodborne was a risky bet from From Software, compared to what was seen in Dark Souls. However, its new setting, mechanics, and bosses completely conquered the fans and today, the game continues with an enviable player density. A healthy community translates into an immortal game, and proof of this is this new “Return to Yharnam.”


This event has been promoted by the community itself and will run until the 24th of this month, a few days after the launch of Sekiro. The goal is to return to the hunt and resume online activity in a game that conquered millions of players. The communities of Discord and Reddit have agreed, so you’re thinking of taking another (or the first) turn for Bloodborne, you have the perfect excuse.


The hunt begins

During these days there has already been a notable increase in online activity in the From Software game. This means that there will be more players to invoke against bosses, more rivals in PvP … etc. The community explains that the best way to fully enjoy this massive meeting is to create a new character so that the progression between the players is as natural as possible.


This is an event that is born every year, and that demonstrates the mark that Bloodborne has left in its community. It is also a very good medicine to prepare for the arrival of Sekiro, the 22 of this month.

