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Uber-app: features and costs of development.



Uber-app: features and costs of development.

Uber revolutionized not only the Taxi market but also the nature of Internet trust. Yes, we can get a car on-demand and order it from any place where there is an internet connection. However, we can also be sure the driver is not a creepy guy because Uber allows rating every trip. 

Ordering a car with a stranger and getting there alone sounds scary only if we do not talk about Uber. To build a familiar app you will need to implement two most important concepts: TRUST and CONVENIENCE. All the features must comply with them. 

Building an Uber-like app is not an easy path and the first thing you have to prepare for is that you won’t have all possible features at the beginning. It is a daunting task for the newbies. Let’s divide your development into the stages.

STAGE 1.0 Minimum Viable Product

First, you need to provide your users with quality products so that the app becomes popular and people begin trusting it. To do so, you won’t need to implement the basic features that will satisfy the minimum needs of your average user. As soon as you chose those, make sure you convey them with no delays and bugs. It is better to create fewer features but to make them of high quality. Even for the start, you will need two apps – for drivers and customers. For the test, you can implement it only on one platform: either iOS or Android. If you made sure it all works according to plans, enlarge the range. During this stage, the revenue comes from commissions, ride fares, and cancellation charges. For the development of the MVP app, you will need to invest up to 10000$ for each platform (iOS more expensive, though). 

For Driver App you will need basic features, like

  • Route optimization – to see the most convenient paths and know for sure where the client is; 
  • Delivery reports – to evaluate the driving quality and avoid rash and bad driving;
  • Personal profile with ratings – to arise trust by having personal information and scores;
  • Messenger with the client.

For Customer App you will need:

  • Track a Ride – to see where the driver is and how much time it takes to get to the destination;

  • Fare Estimation – to know the precise pricing for the ride and avoid driver’s overpricing;

  • Evaluation – the ability to rate the drivers and view other people`s ratings and reviews;
  • Messenger with the driver. 

STAGE 2.0 Advanced Features Implementation

Now that you’ve gained the trust of your market audience, it’s time to implement more advanced features. However, remember complex features = costly development and maintenance. However, now you will be able to raise money not only from commissions and fares. At this stage, you can implement a PRO version of an app and people who require higher levels of convenience, as well as drivers who want more possibilities, will pay to have it. This way, you won’t lose the clients who were satisfied before and needed nothing extra. Also, you’ll gain the attention of a more demanding audience. For this stage of development, you’ll need from 30000 to 50000 $, depending on the features you choose to implement. 

Advanced features you may choose for Driver App:

  • Heat maps – showing the places with the biggest number of clients; 
  • Quest Earnings – gamification of a driving process. This feature helps to set an aim to the driver and as soon as he/she reaches it – give a bonus;
  • Waiting time – if the client is late, he/she pays for it, additionally to the traditional fare

Advanced features you may choose for Customer App:

  • Bonuses – “have Uber-drives three times this week and get the fourth one for free”; 
  • Splitting fare – to allow users to pay separately;
  • Beforehand order – to order a driver long before the ride;
  • Panic button – if the customer feels danger from the driver, the app will automatically connect with the nearest police station. 

Of course, during the process of development, you will come up with new original features, additionally to the required ones. After all, it is what you need to stand out from Uber-like apps. If you feel like building something unique from a scratch – feel free to contact the SapientPro development team

