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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in CRM



The Role of Artificial Intelligence in CRM

Machine learning and AI is a growing trend in the CRM industry. By combining these technologies, CRM has now become more flexible, productive, and efficient and can offer exceptional business insight throughout every department of an organization. To make it short, the combination of state of the art tech like AI makes the CRM more intelligent.

And this is the reason CRM Software Development Company is constantly getting requests of AI integration into CRM. But, this trend is not new. In fact, the adoption of AI-enabled CRM has been growing since 2017. According to studies made by Pactera Technologies and Nimdzi Insights, more than 50% of entrepreneurs leveraged some of the AI DNA to boost CRM capabilities. And, most of them enjoyed an exceptional return on the investment.

H1: CRM Software Development Company integrating AI into CRM that delivers results across many different business departments. And here’s how:

The impact of AI-powered CRM on sales:

  • Recognize and answer to the most positive leads first by making use of the lead scoring algorithms.
  • Analyze and predict the most reliable business forecasts and makes faster quotes- real-time pricing and discount history.
  • Sales representatives get alerts if the leads are not being processed at a regular pace.
  • Qualify leads by analyzing prospects’ communication patterns.
  • Automate business sales cycles and keep sharp eye on every ongoing process from leads’ first contact to the time the deals get closed.
  • Reduce manual jobs such as data entry by using pre-populated areas and exceptional tasks and notifications.

H2: Professional Custom Software Development Company can integrate AI into CRM in a way that they can boost your marketing effort as well. And here’s how:

  • When a prospect reacts to your marketing content, AI can send an automatic response to keep up the engagement high. This is being done 24/7.
  • Follow prospects throughout various social media channels to understand how the prospect sees your brand
  • Study every marketing effort and fetch data in easy to use dashboard which helps to refine overall digital marketing efforts.
  • A prospect gets a real-time response when they visit from social media or websites.
  • By using a machine learning algorithm, CRM triggers a successful email campaign by analyzing previous customers’ responses.

CRM was originally developed to serve a business’s customers better. It was doing that job great. But, after the advent of AI, it is now on steroids! Here’s how an AI integrated CRM is taking the customer service to the next level and making business more profitable:

  • Define the intention of the customer’s phone calls and the regularity with which they occur to enhance customer satisfaction
  • Automatically send requests to the right department to administer swift and correct answers to any queries.
  • Track and examine client satisfaction on social media platforms to resolve any potential issue before it escalates.
  • Use Chatbots/ Virtual assistants to answer FAQs very quickly. These bots are now can even detect natural languages!
  • Listen and analyze agent calls to improve the techniques to boost up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

The role of an AI-enabled CRM is vast and spread across different business boards. The benefits it offers are proven fact and thus more and more entrepreneurs are leaning towards AI integration. If you wish to reap the most benefit out of your CRM, and AI integration by professional Custom Software Development company is worth a try. Let us help you make the most out of your CRM and business.

