5 Reasons to Add Spiritual Candles to Your Home

Spiritual Candles
Did you know that people have been burning candles for over 5,000 years? They used it not only as a source of light but also in religious and spiritual ceremonies. A perfect example is Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, dating back to 165 B.C.
While candles are no longer used as a primary source of light today, they’re still a booming industry. Indeed, experts estimate their global market to have been worth $12.88 billion in 2022. They also forecast its revenue to grow to $20.09 billion come 2030.
Spiritual candles are among the primary drivers of that growth. Their chief use is for spiritualism, but you can use them at home for many other good reasons.
We’ll tell you why you should consider adding and using spiritual types of candles at home, so read on.
1. Create a Tranquil Atmosphere
Many people practice spirituality through breathwork, meditation, prayer, or yoga. These activities often require quietness, which spiritual supplies and prayer candles help create.
Think about this: What’s your first reaction when you see flickering candle lights? If you’re like many people, your attention is likely drawn by their gentle swaying.
Once drawn, the dancing candle flames can mesmerize you and keep your attention. You may find yourself shushing and your inner thoughts quieting. From there, you may start to feel inner peace.
So, why not take advantage of that effect to make your home more tranquil? It can help create a conducive environment to practice what makes you feel spiritual.
You can also light candles whenever you need a relaxing, peaceful ambiance. An example is if you want to set up the right mood for a romantic dinner. Another is when you want to read a book or take a much-needed hot bath.
2. Help Improve Focus and Concentration
According to some researchers, the average human attention span continues to dwindle. For instance, in 2004, they found people’s attention on a screen lasted for 2 minutes, 30 seconds. That’s now down to 47 seconds.
Sounds familiar?
If so, your shortened attention span could make you unable to focus and concentrate. You may also notice yourself having poor organizational skills. You may even feel restless, edgy, or forgetful.
All those negative things can make you feel irritable. They may even make you perform poorly at work. As a result, you may feel more and more stressed.
One tactic that may help boost your focus and concentration is candle-gazing meditation.
Also known as trataka in Sanskrit, candle-gazing meditation is an ancient practice. Trataka means “to look or to gaze.”
Candle-gazing meditation involves lighting a candle and looking at its flame intently. The goal here is to place your complete focus and attention on the fire. You can then stare at it for a few minutes or as long as you can until your eyes water up.
According to a narrative review, trataka enhanced cognition in practitioners. These include potential improvements in selective attention and cognitive task performance. Best of all, it can help with calming and relaxation.
3. Encourage Better Moods
Scented candle options often contain plant extracts known as essential oils (E.O.). When burned, the candles release the oils’ fragrant compounds.
According to studies, E.O. scents cause varying effects on the human body. For example, their scents’ odor molecules bind to the proteins found in the nasal passage. This binding then creates electrical signals that interact with the limbic system.
The limbic system is a part of the brain that affects emotions and thoughts. So when lovely scents trigger this area, they can cause it to produce feel-good vibes and better moods.
Ylang-ylang is an example of an essential oil that may boost moods. You can find spiritual candles with this E.O. and pure essential oils you can diffuse.
Another example of an E.O. that may have a mood-boosting effect is rosemary. It may even help improve memory, according to researchers.
So if you want to try lighting candles for a quick pick-me-up, go for these scents.
4. Relaxation Before Sleep
High levels of stress and anxiety can lead to sleep problems. For instance, they can make it harder to fall and stay asleep. Both can result in sleep deficiency that harms your physical and mental health.
Physical and mental unwellness can then impede you from performing spiritual activities. For instance, you may feel too tired or ill to meditate or do yoga if you lack sleep. Anxiety and stress, whether due to sleep woes or not, can also hinder you from focusing on praying.
The good news is that some scented candles have essential oils believed to help with sleep. An example is lavender, which studies say has calming effects and may increase deep sleep. Some people also use lavender E.O. to help with their stress or anxiety management.
That’s enough reason to try lighting a few of these candles 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Their scents may help you feel more relaxed and get better, longer, and more restful sleep. Just be sure to blow them out before you tuck yourself in to keep fire risks at bay.
5. A More Welcoming Home
Beautiful, colorful, and nice-smelling candles can already make a home feel more welcoming. Their dancing flames and light can also add warmth and coziness to any room. Plus, they can help replace unwanted indoor odors with their pleasant fragrances.
Illuminate Your Home With Spiritual Candles
As you learned in this guide, spiritual candles can help make your home more tranquil. They can also support meditation activities, boost focus, and promote better moods. And depending on their scent, they may help prepare you and your brain for a better night of sleep.
So, consider adding these scented, illuminating spiritual memorabilia throughout your home.
If you enjoyed this article, we have other informative articles you’d love. For starters, check out our post on the top essential oils to use if you want to try making candles yourself!

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